The orbital origins of magnetism: from atoms to molecules to ferromagnetic alloys
A chemical view of spin magnetic phenomena in finite (atoms and molecules) and infinite
(transition metals and their alloys) systems using the concepts of bonding and electronic …
(transition metals and their alloys) systems using the concepts of bonding and electronic …
Invar: Moment-volume instabilities in transition metals and alloys
EF Wasserman - Handbook of Ferromagnetic Materials, 1990 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary The term “invar” stands for alloys showing minimum thermal expansion
coefficients (maximum spontaneous volume magnetostriction) in certain ranges of …
coefficients (maximum spontaneous volume magnetostriction) in certain ranges of …
Local spin density functional approach to the theory of exchange interactions in ferromagnetic metals and alloys
Rigorous expressions for the exchange parameters of classical Heisenberg model applied
to crystals are obtained using a local spin density functional (LSDF) approach and KKR …
to crystals are obtained using a local spin density functional (LSDF) approach and KKR …
A thermodynamic explanation of the Invar effect
The anomalously low thermal expansion of Fe–Ni Invar has long been associated with
magnetism, but to date, the microscopic underpinnings of the Invar behaviour have eluded …
magnetism, but to date, the microscopic underpinnings of the Invar behaviour have eluded …
[Књига][B] Theory of itinerant electron magnetism
J Kübler - 2021 - books.google.com
This book, in the broadest sense, is an application of quantum mechanics and statistical
mechanics to the field of magnetism. Under certain well described conditions, an immensely …
mechanics to the field of magnetism. Under certain well described conditions, an immensely …
[Књига][B] Computational chemistry of solid state materials: a guide for materials scientists, chemists, physicists and others
R Dronskowski - 2008 - books.google.com
This is the first book to present both classical and quantum-chemical approaches to
computational methods, incorporating the many new developments in this field from the last …
computational methods, incorporating the many new developments in this field from the last …
Ferromagnetic phases of bcc and fcc Fe, Co, and Ni
VL Moruzzi, PM Marcus, K Schwarz, P Mohn - Physical Review B, 1986 - APS
The different magnetic phases of the bcc and fcc forms of Fe, Co, and Ni are studied by
analyzing total-energy surfaces in moment-volume parameter space obtained from energy …
analyzing total-energy surfaces in moment-volume parameter space obtained from energy …
Theory of magnetic and structural ordering in iron
Using the total-energy general-potential linearized-augmented-plane-wave method, we
have tested the adequacy of the local-spin-density approximation for describing the …
have tested the adequacy of the local-spin-density approximation for describing the …
Reversible transition between perpendicular and in-plane magnetization in ultrathin films
The magnetization in ultrathin Fe layers (2.5–3.5 atomic layers) on Cu (100) reversibly
switches between perpendicular (at low temperature) and in-plane magnetization (at higher …
switches between perpendicular (at low temperature) and in-plane magnetization (at higher …
Ab initio treatment of noncollinear magnets with the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method
The massively parallelized full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave bulk and film
program FLEUR for first-principles calculations in the context of density functional theory …
program FLEUR for first-principles calculations in the context of density functional theory …