[HTML][HTML] BIM adoption in sustainability, energy modelling and implementing using ISO 19650: A review

X Pan, AM Khan, SM Eldin, F Aslam… - Ain Shams Engineering …, 2024 - Elsevier
The construction industry is adopting a ground-breaking invention called Building
Information Modeling (BIM) to virtually manage and plan projects throughout the building's …

Artificial intelligence for decision support systems in the field of operations research: review and future scope of research

S Gupta, S Modgil, S Bhattacharyya, I Bose - Annals of Operations …, 2022 - Springer
Operations research (OR) has been at the core of decision making since World War II, and
today, business interactions on different platforms have changed business dynamics …

[HTML][HTML] Bim-based energy analysis and optimization using insight 360 (case study)

AM Maglad, M Houda, R Alrowais, AM Khan… - Case Studies in …, 2023 - Elsevier
Building information modeling (BIM) is a modern data information platform and management
tool that promotes the development of green buildings. In Pakistan, the building sector …

Building information modeling (BIM)-based modular integrated construction risk management–Critical survey and future needs

A Darko, APC Chan, Y Yang, MO Tetteh - Computers in Industry, 2020 - Elsevier
Modular integrated construction (MiC) is an innovative construction technology wherein
complete building modules are produced and preassembled in an offsite factory before their …

Building information modeling and safety management: A systematic review

MD Martínez-Aires, M López-Alonso, M Martínez-Rojas - Safety science, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in building construction remains a
worldwide problem in terms of workplace injury, illness and fatality statistics. Construction …

[HTML][HTML] BIM-based architectural analysis and optimization for construction 4.0 concept (a comparison)

J Zhang, X Zhu, AM Khan, M Houda… - Ain Shams Engineering …, 2023 - Elsevier
The growing need for electricity has put Pakistan's burgeoning economy in peril. The notion
of “Construction 4.0 ″is considered in this study since it enables the greatest utilization of …

[HTML][HTML] Building information modelling (BIM) to enhance occupational safety in construction activities: Research trends emerging from one decade of studies

M Fargnoli, M Lombardi - Buildings, 2020 - mdpi.com
In recent years, the use of new technologies is rapidly transforming the way working
activities are managed and carried out. In the construction industry, in particular, the use of …

[HTML][HTML] Impediments in BIM implementation for the risk management of tall buildings

A Waqar, I Othman, N Shafiq, A Deifalla, AE Ragab… - Results in …, 2023 - Elsevier
This study background highlights the increasing need for effective management of risks in
tall buildings due to their complexity and potential hazards. BIM has been accepted as a …

Retrieving similar cases for construction project risk management using Natural Language Processing techniques

Y Zou, A Kiviniemi, SW Jones - Automation in construction, 2017 - Elsevier
Case-based reasoning (CBR) is an important approach in construction project risk
management. It emphasises that previous knowledge and experience of accidents and risks …

[HTML][HTML] Sustainability-based lifecycle management for bridge infrastructure using 6D BIM

S Kaewunruen, J Sresakoolchai, Z Zhou - Sustainability, 2020 - mdpi.com
A number of bridge infrastructures are rising significantly due to economic expansion and
growing numbers of railway and road infrastructures. Owing to the complexity of bridge …