A comprehensive survey of data augmentation in visual reinforcement learning
Visual reinforcement learning (RL), which makes decisions directly from high-dimensional
visual inputs, has demonstrated significant potential in various domains. However …
visual inputs, has demonstrated significant potential in various domains. However …
Toward understanding generative data augmentation
Generative data augmentation, which scales datasets by obtaining fake labeled examples
from a trained conditional generative model, boosts classification performance in various …
from a trained conditional generative model, boosts classification performance in various …
A comprehensive survey for generative data augmentation
Generative data augmentation (GDA) has emerged as a promising technique to alleviate
data scarcity in machine learning applications. This thesis presents a comprehensive survey …
data scarcity in machine learning applications. This thesis presents a comprehensive survey …
Benign overfitting in two-layer ReLU convolutional neural networks
Modern deep learning models with great expressive power can be trained to overfit the
training data but still generalize well. This phenomenon is referred to as benign overfitting …
training data but still generalize well. This phenomenon is referred to as benign overfitting …
Implicit bias of gradient descent for two-layer reLU and leaky reLU networks on nearly-orthogonal data
The implicit bias towards solutions with favorable properties is believed to be a key reason
why neural networks trained by gradient-based optimization can generalize well. While the …
why neural networks trained by gradient-based optimization can generalize well. While the …
Understanding CNN fragility when learning with imbalanced data
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved impressive results on imbalanced
image data, but they still have difficulty generalizing to minority classes and their decisions …
image data, but they still have difficulty generalizing to minority classes and their decisions …
Understanding and improving feature learning for out-of-distribution generalization
A common explanation for the failure of out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization is that the
model trained with empirical risk minimization (ERM) learns spurious features instead of …
model trained with empirical risk minimization (ERM) learns spurious features instead of …
Why does sharpness-aware minimization generalize better than SGD?
The challenge of overfitting, in which the model memorizes the training data and fails to
generalize to test data, has become increasingly significant in the training of large neural …
generalize to test data, has become increasingly significant in the training of large neural …
Modeldiff: A framework for comparing learning algorithms
We study the problem of (learning) algorithm comparison, where the goal is to find
differences between models trained with two different learning algorithms. We begin by …
differences between models trained with two different learning algorithms. We begin by …
The benefits of mixup for feature learning
Mixup, a simple data augmentation method that randomly mixes two data points via linear
interpolation, has been extensively applied in various deep learning applications to gain …
interpolation, has been extensively applied in various deep learning applications to gain …