[HTML][HTML] Recent advances in employing the Laplace homotopy analysis method to nonlinear fractional models for evolution equations and heat-typed problems
This study stems from the growing need for effective mathematical tools to tackle nonlinear
fractional evolution equations, which find wide applications in physics and engineering …
fractional evolution equations, which find wide applications in physics and engineering …
Advanced intelligent computing ANN for momentum, thermal, and concentration boundary layers in plasma electro hydrodynamics burgers fluid
Thermodynamics, electromagnetic, and fluid dynamics interact intricately in plasma flows.
The boundary layer of momentum close to a solid surface is affected by both …
The boundary layer of momentum close to a solid surface is affected by both …
[HTML][HTML] Explicit computational analysis of unsteady maxwell nanofluid flow on moving plates with stochastic variations
It is imperative to investigate the proposed computational scheme for the resolution of two-
dimensional partial differential equations that result from non-Newtonian nanofluid flow over …
dimensional partial differential equations that result from non-Newtonian nanofluid flow over …
[HTML][HTML] Dynamics of Jeffrey fluid flow and heat transfer: a Prabhakar fractional operator approach
The primary goal of current study is to formulate a novel mathematical model employing the
Prabhakar fractional operator, aimed at examining the dynamic behaviour of Jeffrey fluid …
Prabhakar fractional operator, aimed at examining the dynamic behaviour of Jeffrey fluid …
[HTML][HTML] Exact and fractional solution of MHD generalized Couette hybrid nanofluid flow with Mittag–Leffler and power law kernel
This study investigates the complex behavior of Jeffrey nanofluid flow in a porous oscillating
microchannel under the influence of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effects. The research …
microchannel under the influence of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effects. The research …
[HTML][HTML] Advancement of nanoparticles in blood flow with non-linear radiation and optimisation of irreversibility within the microchannel using analysis of variance and …
Nanoparticles in blood flow play a pivotal role because of their extensive use in
biomedicine, tissue engineering, and blood coagulation. Gold and Zinc nanoparticles have …
biomedicine, tissue engineering, and blood coagulation. Gold and Zinc nanoparticles have …
[HTML][HTML] Inspection of numerical and fractional CMC and water-based hybrid nanofluid with power law and non-singular kernel: A fractal approach
A number of thermal devices might benefit from the usage of nanofluids in solar power. In
this research, the idea of MHD mixed convective hybrid nanofluids including grapheme …
this research, the idea of MHD mixed convective hybrid nanofluids including grapheme …
Implicit finite difference simulations for unsteady oscillating flow of Walters-B nanofluid with microbes using the Cattaneo–Christov model
The thermal importance of nanoparticles in different fields of engineering is still a develo**
issue that necessitates additional focused consideration. The suspension of non-Newtonian …
issue that necessitates additional focused consideration. The suspension of non-Newtonian …
[HTML][HTML] Elucidating thermal phenomena of non-Newtonian experimental data based copper-alumina-ethylene glycol hybrid nanofluid in a cubic enclosure with central …
One of the major challenges in designing an efficient heating and cooling equipment is the
consideration and availability of cost-effective fluids. The potential of hybrid nanofluid to …
consideration and availability of cost-effective fluids. The potential of hybrid nanofluid to …
Numerical reconstruction of time-dependent boundary conditions to 2D heat equation on disjoint rectangles at integral observations
In this paper, two-dimensional (2D) heat equations on disjoint rectangles are considered.
The solutions are connected by interface Robin's-type internal conditions. The problem has …
The solutions are connected by interface Robin's-type internal conditions. The problem has …