The economic analysis of advertising

K Bagwell - Handbook of industrial organization, 2007 - Elsevier
This chapter offers a comprehensive survey of the economic analysis of advertising. A first
objective is to organize the literature in a manner that clarifies what is known. A second …

The moderating role of perceived company effort in mitigating customer misconduct within Online Brand Communities (OBC)

N Sweiss, ZM Obeidat, RM Al-Dweeri… - Journal of Marketing …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This research examines the impact of the misbehavior acts on social media (ie, online other
customer misbehavior) on the online brand community engagement of consumers …

Exploring the influence of celebrity credibility on brand attitude, advertisement attitude and purchase intention

RP Singh, N Banerjee - Global Business Review, 2018 -
The celebrity credibility scale developed by Singh and Banerjee [Singh, RP, & Banerjee,
N.(2018). A study on exploring the factors influencing celebrity endorsement credibility …

Effects of internal–external congruence-based CSR positioning: An attribution theory approach

W Ginder, WS Kwon, SE Byun - Journal of business ethics, 2021 - Springer
Although corporate social responsibility (CSR) appears to be mutually beneficial for
companies and consumers, the modern marketplace has left both parties in vulnerable …

Corporate hypocrisy: Overcoming the threat of inconsistent corporate social responsibility perceptions

T Wagner, RJ Lutz, BA Weitz - Journal of marketing, 2009 -
Reports of firms' behaviors with regard to corporate social responsibility (CSR) are often
contrary to their stated standards of social responsibility. This research examines the effects …

[HTML][HTML] Does educating customers create positive word of mouth?

X Sun, T Foscht, AB Eisingerich - Journal of Retailing and Consumer …, 2021 - Elsevier
This research theorizes and empirically examines whether and how educating customers—
a brand's efforts to enhance customers' product-related knowledge—affects customer word …

[PDF][PDF] Marketing scales handbook

GC Bruner, PJ Hensel, KE James - 2005 -
How exciting it is to publish the tenth volume of the Marketing Scales Handbook series! I did
not imagine when I began working on the first volume that I would still be immersed in the …

Microfoundations of corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility

CT Shea, OV Hawn - Academy of Management Journal, 2019 -
This study examines the importance of social perception of corporate social responsibility
(CSR) and irresponsibility (CSI). Drawing from social psychology literature on stereotypes …

Advertising repetition as a signal of quality: If it's advertised so much, something must be wrong

A Kirmani - Journal of advertising, 1997 - Taylor & Francis
The author proposes that consumers infer brand quality from the level of advertising
repetition for unfamiliar brands. Consumers are posited to associate high product quality …

[КНИГА][B] The media handbook: A complete guide to advertising media selection, planning, research, and buying

H Katz - 2022 -
The eighth edition of The Media Handbook continues to provide a practical introduction to
the media planning and buying processes. Starting with the broader context in which media …