Multiscale toughening mechanisms in biological materials and bioinspired designs
Biological materials found in Nature such as nacre and bone are well recognized as light‐
weight, strong, and tough structural materials. The remarkable toughness and damage …
weight, strong, and tough structural materials. The remarkable toughness and damage …
[HTML][HTML] Looking deep into nature: A review of micro-computed tomography in biomimicry
Albert Einstein once said “look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything
better”. Looking deep into nature has in the last few years become much more achievable …
better”. Looking deep into nature has in the last few years become much more achievable …
Crushing resistance and energy absorption of pomelo peel inspired hierarchical honeycomb
Hierarchical materials born of variable natural cellular and intricate architecture are
demonstrated to have the potential to achieve outstanding mechanical properties, thus make …
demonstrated to have the potential to achieve outstanding mechanical properties, thus make …
[KNJIGA][B] Microcomputed tomography: methodology and applications
SR Stock - 2019 -
MicroComputed Tomography has become the gold standard for studying 3D microscopic
structures nondestructively, and this book provides up-to-date coverage of the modality. The …
structures nondestructively, and this book provides up-to-date coverage of the modality. The …
The multiscale architecture of tessellated cartilage and its relation to function
R Seidel, AK Jayasankar, MN Dean - Journal of Fish Biology, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
When describing the architecture and ultrastructure of animal skeletons, introductory
biology, anatomy and histology textbooks typically focus on the few bone and cartilage types …
biology, anatomy and histology textbooks typically focus on the few bone and cartilage types …
Crushing behavior and energy absorption of the thousands-of-eyes-Bodhi-inspired novel hierarchical cellular structure
C Li, X Yan, D Wan, G Yang, D Hu - Composite Structures, 2023 - Elsevier
Natural hierarchical materials are proved to have excellent mechanical properties and have
been widely applied in the design concept of engineering materials. In this study, inspired by …
been widely applied in the design concept of engineering materials. In this study, inspired by …
From natural complexity to biomimetic simplification: The realization of bionic fish inspired by the cownose ray
Features of fish-like environmental compatibility and maneuverability have attracted
bioinspired design researchers worldwide to contemplate the practical applications of …
bioinspired design researchers worldwide to contemplate the practical applications of …
Effect of active–passive deformation on the thrust by the pectoral fins of bionic manta robot
Y Lu, S Meng, C ** amplitudes and counts on self-burial performance
K Ren, Z Chen, Y Tian, J Yu, H Li, Z Tan - Ocean Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
Marine benthic organisms, including stingrays, utilize sediment for self-burial, providing an
effective strategy for concealment and protection against currents. This study investigates …
effective strategy for concealment and protection against currents. This study investigates …