An optimized two-step hybrid block method for solving general second order initial-value problems

H Ramos, Z Kalogiratou, T Monovasilis, TE Simos - Numerical Algorithms, 2016 - Springer
A new optimized two-step hybrid block method for the numerical integration of general
second-order initial value problems is presented. The method considers two intra-step …


SN Jator - International journal of pure and applied Mathematics, 2007 -
A linear multistep method (LMM) with continuous coefficients is considered and directly
applied to solve second order initial value problems (IVPs). The continuous method is used …

Solving second order initial value problems by a hybrid multistep method without predictors

SN Jator - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2010 - Elsevier
A three-step seventh order hybrid linear multistep method (HLMM) with three non-step
points is proposed for the direct solution of the special second order initial value problems …

A self-starting linear multistep method for a direct solution of the general second-order initial value problem

SN Jator, J Li - International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper, we propose a linear multistep method of order 5 that is self-starting for the
direct solution of the general second-order initial value problem (IVP). The method is derived …

[PDF][PDF] One-step implicit hybrid block method for the direct solution of general second order ordinary differential equations

TA Anake, DO Awoyemi, AO Adesanya - IAENG International Journal of …, 2012 -
A one-step implicit hybrid block solution method for initial value problems of general second
order ordinary differential equations has been studied in this paper. The onestep method is …

[HTML][HTML] A unified approach for the development of k-step block Falkner-type methods for solving general second-order initial-value problems in ODEs

H Ramos, S Mehta, J Vigo-Aguiar - Journal of Computational and Applied …, 2017 - Elsevier
A family of k-step block multistep methods where the main formulas are of Falkner type is
proposed for the direct integration of the general second order initial-value problem where …

[HTML][HTML] Direct solution of second-order ordinary differential equation using a single-step hybrid block method of order five

R Abdelrahim, Z Omar - Mathematical and Computational Applications, 2016 -
This paper proposes a new hybrid block method of order five for solving second-order
ordinary differential equations directly. The method is developed using interpolation and …

The solution of high-order nonlinear ordinary differential equations by Chebyshev series

A Akyüz-Daşcıoğlu, H Çerdi - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011 - Elsevier
By the use of the Chebyshev series, a direct computational method for solving the higher
order nonlinear differential equations has been developed in this paper. This method …

An adaptive one-point second-derivative Lobatto-type hybrid method for solving efficiently differential systems

H Ramos, MA Rufai - International Journal of Computer …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This manuscript presents a one-step method incorporating a second-derivative applied to
obtain approximate solutions of first-order initial-value problems of ordinary and time …

Approximate solution of a fifth order ordinary differential equations with block method

SR Jena, GS Gebremedhin - International Journal of …, 2020 -
In this paper an eighth step block method has been developed to obtain the approximate
solution of an initial value problem involving fifth order ordinary differential equations. The …