Cloud-Based Cyber Incidents Response System and Software Tools

S Gnatyuk, R Berdibayev, T Smirnova… - … on Information and …, 2021‏ - Springer
Cloud technologies and their applications are implementing in various ICT infrastructures.
Today cyber threats mitigation in clouds is hot topic and it has scientific interest. Authors …

A concept of the architecture and creation for siem system in critical infrastructure

R Berdibayev, S Gnatyuk, Y Yevchenko… - Systems, Decision and …, 2021‏ - Springer
Energy sector is important unit of critical infrastructure and the protection of its ICT
infrastructure is essential for states. Cloud and other advanced technologies are …

[PDF][PDF] Studies on Cloud-based Cyber Incidents Detection and Identification in Critical Infrastructure.

S Gnatyuk, R Berdibayev, Z Avkurova, O Verkhovets… - CPITS I, 2021‏ -
Cloud and other advanced technologies are implementing in various ICT infrastructures. It
has led to increased attention to the problems of cyber threats, the growth of which is …

Creation of the adaptive cyber threat detection system on the basis of fuzzy feature clustering

V Lakhno - Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies, 2016‏ -
The results of studies aimed at further development of methods and algorithms for detection
of cyber threats and the most common classes of anomalies and cyber attacks in critical …

[PDF][PDF] Gatividhi Guard: The Activity Guardian—Revolutionizing Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Technology

NS Sania, Y Gigras, S Mahajan - Journal of Operating Systems …, 2024‏ -
In the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity, organizations confront increasingly intricate
cyber threats that necessitate sophisticated security measures. Conventional systems such …

Побудова адаптивної системи розпізнавання кіберзагроз на основі нечіткої кластерізації ознак

ВА Лахно - Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых …, 2016‏ -
The results of studies aimed at further development of methods and algorithms for detection
of cyber threats and the most common classes of anomalies and cyber attacks in critical …

Secured remote control of greenhouse based on wireless sensor network and multi agent systems

K Moummadi, R Abidar, H Medromi, A Ziani - Advanced Intelligent Systems …, 2019‏ - Springer
QueryAgent-oriented formalisms are now increasingly used in artificial intelligence. Their
success is partly due to their easy adaptation to the needs of distributed real-time …


М ЧАЙКОВСЬКИЙ - Herald of Khmelnytskyi National …, 2025‏ -
У роботі встановлено, що мультиагентні системи (MAS) є потужним інструментом для
виявлення поліморфних вірусів. Визначені основні переваги використання MAS для …

Совершенствование киберзащиты информационно-коммуникационных систем транспорта за счет минимизации обучающих выборок в системах выявления …

Б Ахметов - Захист інформації, 2018‏ -
Последние десятилетия ознаменовались бурным ростом темпов использования
информационных технологий в разнообразных областях цивилизационных практик …

Secure Cloud Computing Information System for Critical Applications

S Gnatyuk, V Kishchenko, A Tolbatov… - Scientific and practical …, 2020‏ -
The usage of cloud computing has gained a significant advantage due to the reduced cost of
ownership of IT applications, extremely fast entry into the services market, as well as rapid …