Interpretation of europium (III) spectra
K Binnemans - Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2015 - Elsevier
The trivalent europium ion (Eu 3+) is well known for its strong luminescence in the red
spectral region, but this ion is also interesting from a theoretical point of view. Due to the …
spectral region, but this ion is also interesting from a theoretical point of view. Due to the …
Lanthanide probes for bioresponsive imaging
The chemistry of the less familiar elements is a fascinating topic especially for the inorganic
minded. The lanthanides, or rare earths, comprise the 5d block of the periodic table and …
minded. The lanthanides, or rare earths, comprise the 5d block of the periodic table and …
Lanthanide molecular cluster-aggregates as the next generation of optical materials
In this perspective, we provide an overview of the recent achievements in luminescent
lanthanide-based molecular cluster-aggregates (MCAs) and illustrate why MCAs can be …
lanthanide-based molecular cluster-aggregates (MCAs) and illustrate why MCAs can be …
Luminescent chemodosimeters for bioimaging
Y Yang, Q Zhao, W Feng, F Li - Chemical Reviews, 2013 - ACS Publications
Luminescence bioimaging offers a unique approach for visualizing morphological details of
tissues with subcellular resolution and has become a powerful tool for the manipulation and …
tissues with subcellular resolution and has become a powerful tool for the manipulation and …
Strategies for the nuclear delivery of metal complexes to cancer cells
M Huynh, R Vinck, B Gibert, G Gasser - Advanced Materials, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The nucleus is an essential organelle for the function of cells. It holds most of the genetic
material and plays a crucial role in the regulation of cell growth and proliferation. Since …
material and plays a crucial role in the regulation of cell growth and proliferation. Since …
Intriguing aspects of lanthanide luminescence
JCG Bünzli, SV Eliseeva - Chemical Science, 2013 - pubs.rsc.org
The enthralling properties of lanthanide luminescence have propelled luminescent probes,
tags and materials based on these elements to the forefront of science and technology. In …
tags and materials based on these elements to the forefront of science and technology. In …
Cyclometalated iridium (III) complexes for life science
C Caporale, M Massi - Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2018 - Elsevier
Photoluminescent cyclometalated iridium (III) complexes are now a well established class of
organometallic compounds with advantageous potential applications in biology and life …
organometallic compounds with advantageous potential applications in biology and life …
Ruthenium (II) polypyridyl complexes and DNA—from structural probes to cellular imaging and therapeutics
In the last few decades, coordination complexes based on d6 metal centres and polypyridyl
ligand architectures been developed as structure-and site-specific reversible DNA binding …
ligand architectures been developed as structure-and site-specific reversible DNA binding …
Using lanthanide ions in molecular bioimaging
AJ Amoroso, SJA Pope - Chemical Society Reviews, 2015 - pubs.rsc.org
Trivalent lanthanide ions offer remarkable opportunities in the design of bioimaging agents:
this review presents an accessible discussion of their application in both optical and …
this review presents an accessible discussion of their application in both optical and …
Bioanalytical methods for hypochlorous acid detection: Recent advances and challenges
R Zhang, B Song, J Yuan - TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2018 - Elsevier
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), a well-known universal disinfectant in clinical practice, plays
important roles in immune systems of animal and human bodies. For understanding the …
important roles in immune systems of animal and human bodies. For understanding the …