Xanthan gum: production, recovery, and properties

F Garcıa-Ochoa, VE Santos, JA Casas, E Gómez - Biotechnology advances, 2000 - Elsevier
Xanthan gum is a microbial polysaccharide of great commercial significance. This review
focuses on various aspects of xanthan production, including the producing organism …

Bioreactor scale-up and oxygen transfer rate in microbial processes: an overview

F Garcia-Ochoa, E Gomez - Biotechnology advances, 2009 - Elsevier
In aerobic bioprocesses, oxygen is a key substrate; due to its low solubility in broths
(aqueous solutions), a continuous supply is needed. The oxygen transfer rate (OTR) must be …

Oxygen uptake rate in microbial processes: an overview

F Garcia-Ochoa, E Gomez, VE Santos… - Biochemical engineering …, 2010 - Elsevier
In aerobic process oxygen must be continuously supplied in order to achieve acceptable
productivities, Since the role of oxygen in microorganism growth and its metabolism is of …

Rheology of concentrated xanthan gum solutions: Steady shear flow behavior

KW Song, YS Kim, GS Chang - Fibers and Polymers, 2006 - Springer
Using a strain-controlled rheometer, the steady shear flow properties of aqueous xanthan
gum solutions of different concentrations were measured over a wide range of shear rates …

Oxygen transfer and uptake rates during xanthan gum production

F Garcı́a-Ochoa, EG Castro, VE Santos - Enzyme and microbial technology, 2000 - Elsevier
Oxygen uptake rate and oxygen mass transfer rate have been studied during xanthan gum
production process in stirred tank bioreactor. Empirical equations for the oxygen mass …

Theoretical prediction of gas–liquid mass transfer coefficient, specific area and hold-up in sparged stirred tanks

F Garcia-Ochoa, E Gomez - Chemical engineering science, 2004 - Elsevier
A prediction method for calculating the volumetric mass transfer coefficient, kLa, in gas–
liquid sparged stirred tanks is proposed. A theoretical equation based on Hibie's penetration …

Oxygen mass transfer in a stirred tank bioreactor using different impeller configurations for environmental purposes

A Karimi, F Golbabaei, MR Mehrnia, M Neghab… - Iranian journal of …, 2013 - Springer
In this study, a miniature stirred tank bioreactor was designed for treatment of waste gas
containing benzene, toluene and xylene. Oxygen mass transfer characteristics for various …

Improvement of bacterial cellulose production by addition of agar in a jar fermentor

S Bae, Y Sugano, M Shoda - Journal of bioscience and bioengineering, 2004 - Elsevier
Bacterial cellulose (BC) was produced by Acetobacter xylinum BPR 2001 and its acetan
nonproducing mutant EP1 in corn steep liquor-fructose medium in a 10-l jar fermentor …

Evaluation of mixing and mass transfer in a stirred pilot scale bioreactor utilizing CFD

C Bach, J Yang, H Larsson, SM Stocks… - Chemical Engineering …, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract Knowledge and prediction of mixing and mass transfer in agitated bioreactors is
fundamental for process development and scale up. In particular key process parameters …

Techniques for oxygen transfer measurement in bioreactors: a review

S Suresh, VC Srivastava… - Journal of Chemical …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Oxygen is the most essential requirement for aerobic bioprocesses. The microbial growth in
a bioreactor depends upon the oxygen transfer rate (OTR). The OTR is widely used to study …