Sustaining Earth's magnetic dynamo
Earth's magnetic field is generated by fluid motions in the outer core. This geodynamo has
operated for over 3.4 billion years. However, the mechanism that has sustained the …
operated for over 3.4 billion years. However, the mechanism that has sustained the …
Dynamics and evolution of Venus' mantle through time
The dynamics and evolution of Venus' mantle are of first-order relevance for the origin and
modification of the tectonic and volcanic structures we observe on Venus today. Solid-state …
modification of the tectonic and volcanic structures we observe on Venus today. Solid-state …
Venusian habitable climate scenarios: Modeling Venus through time and applications to slowly rotating Venus‐like exoplanets
One popular view of Venus' climate history describes a world that has spent much of its life
with surface liquid water, plate tectonics, and a stable temperate climate. Part of the basis for …
with surface liquid water, plate tectonics, and a stable temperate climate. Part of the basis for …
Deep magma ocean formation set the oxidation state of Earth's mantle
The composition of Earth's atmosphere depends on the redox state of the mantle, which
became more oxidizing at some stage after Earth's core started to form. Through high …
became more oxidizing at some stage after Earth's core started to form. Through high …
The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs-Wolf 1069 b: Earth-mass planet in the habitable zone of a nearby, very low-mass star
We present the discovery of an Earth-mass planet (M b sin i= 1.26±0.21 M⊕) on a 15.6 d
orbit of a relatively nearby (d~ 9.6 pc) and low-mass (0.167±0.011 M⊙) M5. 0 V star, Wolf …
orbit of a relatively nearby (d~ 9.6 pc) and low-mass (0.167±0.011 M⊙) M5. 0 V star, Wolf …
Early bombardment of the moon: Connecting the lunar crater record to the terrestrial planet formation
The lunar crater record features∼ 50 basins. The radiometric dating of Apollo samples
indicates that the Imbrium basin formed relatively late—from the planet formation …
indicates that the Imbrium basin formed relatively late—from the planet formation …
Venus, the Planet: Introduction to the evolution of Earth's sister planet
Venus is the planet in the Solar System most similar to Earth in terms of size and (probably)
bulk composition. Until the mid-20th century, scientists thought that Venus was a verdant …
bulk composition. Until the mid-20th century, scientists thought that Venus was a verdant …
The role of early giant-planet instability in terrestrial planet formation
The terrestrial planets are believed to have formed by violent collisions of tens of lunar-to
Mars-size protoplanets at time t< 200 Myr after the protoplanetary gas disk dispersal (t 0) …
Mars-size protoplanets at time t< 200 Myr after the protoplanetary gas disk dispersal (t 0) …
Venus interior structure and dynamics
No two rocky bodies offer a better laboratory for exploring the conditions controlling interior
dynamics than Venus and Earth. Their similarities in size, density, distance from the sun, and …
dynamics than Venus and Earth. Their similarities in size, density, distance from the sun, and …
Regional stratification at the top of Earth's core due to core–mantle boundary heat flux variations
Earth's magnetic field is generated by turbulent motion in its fluid outer core. Although the
bulk of the outer core is vigorously convecting and well mixed, some seismic, geomagnetic …
bulk of the outer core is vigorously convecting and well mixed, some seismic, geomagnetic …