Off-grid solar PV: Is it an affordable or appropriate solution for rural electrification in Sub-Saharan African countries?
With insolation levels ranging from 4 to 7 kW h/m 2/day, the African continent receives a
higher amount of solar energy on its surface than the rest of the world. Hence, investments in …
higher amount of solar energy on its surface than the rest of the world. Hence, investments in …
Recent advances in failure diagnosis techniques based on performance data analysis for grid-connected photovoltaic systems
Over the last decade, research into photovoltaic (PV) technology has shifted from a race for
the highest efficiency to the increase of the performance reliability in the field. A major part of …
the highest efficiency to the increase of the performance reliability in the field. A major part of …
A machine learning framework to identify the hotspot in photovoltaic module using infrared thermography
In this paper, a hybrid features based support vector machine (SVM) model is proposed
using infrared thermography technique for hotspots detection and classification of …
using infrared thermography technique for hotspots detection and classification of …
An IoT based smart solar photovoltaic remote monitoring and control unit
Using the Internet Of Things Technology for supervising solar photovoltaic power generation
can greatly enhance the performance, monitoring and maintenance of the plant. With …
can greatly enhance the performance, monitoring and maintenance of the plant. With …
Research and current status of the solar photovoltaic water pum** system–A review
Water and energy are the key drivers of agricultural production while the world is facing
severe energy and water crisis. Increasing crop production per unit area for the increasing …
severe energy and water crisis. Increasing crop production per unit area for the increasing …
A supervised ensemble learning method for fault diagnosis in photovoltaic strings
This study proposes a fault diagnosis method based on the use of a machine learning (ML)
technique called ensemble learning (EL) for photovoltaic (PV) systems. EL methods aim to …
technique called ensemble learning (EL) for photovoltaic (PV) systems. EL methods aim to …
[PDF][PDF] Internet of things-based photovoltaics parameter monitoring system using NodeMCU ESP8266.
The use of the internet of things (IoT) in solar photovoltaic (PV) systems is a critical feature
for remote monitoring, supervising, and performance evaluation. Furthermore, it improves …
for remote monitoring, supervising, and performance evaluation. Furthermore, it improves …
A review of photovoltaic module technologies for increased performance in tropical climate
The global adoption and use of photovoltaic modules (PVMs) as the main source of energy
is the key to realising the UN Millennium Development Goals on Green Energy. The …
is the key to realising the UN Millennium Development Goals on Green Energy. The …
Performance evaluation of photovoltaic systems on Kuwaiti schools' rooftop
Photovoltaic (PV) is a high-potential renewable energy technology for Kuwait to pursue due
to high daily irradiation, and has garnered local attention in recent years due to the growing …
to high daily irradiation, and has garnered local attention in recent years due to the growing …
Review of life cycle analyses and embodied energy requirements of single-crystalline and multi-crystalline silicon photovoltaic systems
While photovoltaic (PV) technology is considered a renewable energy source, it nonetheless
has a degree of environmental impact. In order to completely capture the net environmental …
has a degree of environmental impact. In order to completely capture the net environmental …