[HTML][HTML] On the nature of the Cimmerian Continent
Abstract The Cimmerian Continent is the narrow continental strip that rifted from the
northeastern Gondwana-Land margin mostly during the Permian between the present-day …
northeastern Gondwana-Land margin mostly during the Permian between the present-day …
Pannotia: to be or not to be?
Following a decade during which its presence was widely accepted, the existence of the
putative Ediacaran supercontinent Pannotia has come into question since the turn of the …
putative Ediacaran supercontinent Pannotia has come into question since the turn of the …
[HTML][HTML] Early Paleozoic tectonics of Asia: Towards a full-plate model
M Domeier - Geoscience Frontiers, 2018 - Elsevier
Asia is key to a richer understanding of many important lithospheric processes such as
crustal growth, continental evolution and orogenesis. But to properly decipher the secrets …
crustal growth, continental evolution and orogenesis. But to properly decipher the secrets …
Early Paleozoic tectonic reconstruction of Iran: tales from detrital zircon geochronology
In this study we use detrital zircons to probe the Early Paleozoic history of NE Iran and
evaluate the link between sediment sources and Gondwanan pre-Cadomian, Cadomian …
evaluate the link between sediment sources and Gondwanan pre-Cadomian, Cadomian …
Speculations on the Paleozoic legacy of Gondwana amalgamation
Using Gondwana as an example, we show how the geological record can be interrogated to
detect significant changes in mantle convection patterns at critical junctures in Earth's …
detect significant changes in mantle convection patterns at critical junctures in Earth's …
Ordovician-Silurian volcanism in northern Iran: Implications for a new Large Igneous Province (LIP) and a robust candidate for the Late Ordovician mass extinction
Proxies such as mercury and Hg/TOC anomalies document signatures for temporal
correlations between major pulses of the Late Ordovician mass extinction (LOME) event and …
correlations between major pulses of the Late Ordovician mass extinction (LOME) event and …
The influence of hybrid sediment gravity flows on distribution and composition of trace‐fossil assemblages: Ordovician succession of the north‐eastern Alborz Range …
The distribution of conventional subichnofacies in deep‐water fan systems (ie Ophiomorpha
rudis–Paleodictyon–Nereites‐subichnofacies) depends on the presence of fully turbulent …
rudis–Paleodictyon–Nereites‐subichnofacies) depends on the presence of fully turbulent …
Stratigraphic and volcanic signatures of Miaolingian-Late Ordovician rift pulses in the Alborz Mountains, northern Iran
Recent reconnaissance geological map**, identification of unconformities and
chronostratigraphic dating of Miaolingian to Ordovician strata in the eastern Alborz …
chronostratigraphic dating of Miaolingian to Ordovician strata in the eastern Alborz …
[HTML][HTML] Early Paleozoic extensional tectonics along Gondwana's northern margin: Insights from Iran
The Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the northern margin of Gondwana is inferred to comprise
several episodes of continental breakup and ocean opening. However, the timing and …
several episodes of continental breakup and ocean opening. However, the timing and …
Petrology, geochemistry and zircon U–Pb dating of Band-e-Hezarchah metabasites (NE Iran): An evidence for back-arc magmatism along the northern active margin …
Abstract The Band-e-Hezarchah granitoids (BHG) is located in the northern margin of the
central Iran, where the very old continental crust of Iran is found. The BHG mainly include …
central Iran, where the very old continental crust of Iran is found. The BHG mainly include …