The effect of cooperative learning model type of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) on student's learning achievement
The purpose of this learning is to find out the cooperative learning model type Teams Games
Tournament (TGT) on student achievement in Fiqh subjects at Mts Ma'arif Bebandem. The …
Tournament (TGT) on student achievement in Fiqh subjects at Mts Ma'arif Bebandem. The …
Implementation the ethnoscience-based smart module to improve students' patriotism
Patriotism begins to fade in the younger generation of Indonesians. The loss of patriotism
will cause concern for the nation. Thus, there must be innovation in teaching to cultivate …
will cause concern for the nation. Thus, there must be innovation in teaching to cultivate …
Upaya meningkatkan kemampuan berfikir analitis melalui model problem based learning (PBL)
Banyak upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berfikir analitis siswa
di sekolah, salah satunya dengan Model Problem Based Learning (PBL). Hal ini sejalan …
di sekolah, salah satunya dengan Model Problem Based Learning (PBL). Hal ini sejalan …
[PDF][PDF] The effect of REACT Model assisted fable-math book media on mathematical problem solving of elementary school students
This study aims to analyze (1) the average mathematical problem solving ability of students
who can achieve the KKM,(2) the proportion of students who can complete classical …
who can achieve the KKM,(2) the proportion of students who can complete classical …
Development of Dramatic Play Book Based on Kudus Local Wisdom for Children
Drama games are activities that can stimulate language skills, both receptive and expressive
language skills. Therefore, it is necessary to develop media that are able to make drama …
language skills. Therefore, it is necessary to develop media that are able to make drama …
Practicality of E-Module Teaching Materials Integrated With Islamic Values On Global Warming Material at Senior High School
Islamic values in the subject matter of global warming symptoms for class XI at Senior high
school. This research is a continuation of R&D research and development with the ADDIE …
school. This research is a continuation of R&D research and development with the ADDIE …
Effectiveness of Edutainment Module Based on Local Excellence of Pantai Utara Indonesia Reviewed from Students' Concept Understanding.
The purpose of this study was to analyze edutainment modules based on local excellence in
Pantai Utara of Indonesia in terms of students' conceptual comprehension abilities. The …
Pantai Utara of Indonesia in terms of students' conceptual comprehension abilities. The …
What kind of Relation and Function Worksheet Based Tri-N improve Critical Thinking Skills?
Mathematical critical thinking skills have so far shown unsatisfactory results, so media or
learning resources such as worksheets are needed to complete them. In addition, concepts …
learning resources such as worksheets are needed to complete them. In addition, concepts …
[PDF][PDF] Pengembangan LKPD berbasis PBL bernuansa etnomatematika untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa kelas VII SMP
Riset ini dikarenakan oleh belum adanya LKPD berbasis PBL bernuansa etnomatematika
yang dikembangkan di SMP Swasta Islam Setia Nurul Azmi Medan. Tujuan riset ini berguna …
yang dikembangkan di SMP Swasta Islam Setia Nurul Azmi Medan. Tujuan riset ini berguna …
[PDF][PDF] Pengembangan media berbantuan geogebra pada sistem pertidaksamaan linear-kuadrat dalam meningkatkan literasi matematika siswa
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan media pembelajaran interaktif
berbantuan GeoGebra yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Penelitian ini menggunakan model …
berbantuan GeoGebra yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Penelitian ini menggunakan model …