[HTML][HTML] Building absorptive capacity in a mega-project program alliance: Learning to mitigate rework
Collaborative procurement forms such as program alliancing can create a burgeoning
environment for absorptive capacity to materialize, enabling learning and rework to be …
environment for absorptive capacity to materialize, enabling learning and rework to be …
Professional perceptions of right-first-time and quality management in construction projects through open-ended feedback
Purpose The construction industry has struggled to deliver schemes on time to budget and
right-first-time (RFT). There have been many studies into nonconformance and rework …
right-first-time (RFT). There have been many studies into nonconformance and rework …
The role of smart heuristics in decision-making under uncertainty: Migitating rework and its consequences
Decision-making under risk in construction is typically aligned with the classical rationalist
view. Here, statistical methods and formal logic are applied to select the best possible …
view. Here, statistical methods and formal logic are applied to select the best possible …
[HTML][HTML] Enhancing building robustness through a fuse-based segmentation framework
The most widely used design approaches today for improving the robustness of buildings
rely on improving continuity within the structural system to ensure that loads supported by …
rely on improving continuity within the structural system to ensure that loads supported by …
[HTML][HTML] Contextualising new safety paradigms: A study in a large Australian construction company
Considering the scarcity of empirical studies about the contextualisation of new safety
initiatives, this exploratory study was performed in a large Australian construction company …
initiatives, this exploratory study was performed in a large Australian construction company …
[HTML][HTML] Psychological artificial intelligence: Designing algorithms to deal with the uncertainty of rework in construction
PED Love, J Matthews, W Fang - Developments in the Built Environment, 2024 - Elsevier
As construction organizations are confronted with uncertainty and imperfect information, they
find accommodating the likelihood of rework in their projects challenging. Bayesian …
find accommodating the likelihood of rework in their projects challenging. Bayesian …
Setting a Course to Validate and Operationalize Quality II in Construction
Quality II is a nascent paradigm (ie, a distinct set of concepts) for reducing and containing
errors and mitigating rework in construction. It has emerged from empirical observations of …
errors and mitigating rework in construction. It has emerged from empirical observations of …
Non-conformance and rework in construction: a quality management improvement initiative for change
G Ford - 2024 - orca.cardiff.ac.uk
Rework plagues the construction industry, with rework costs as high as 12.6% of total
contract value. Enormous pressures are put on public spend as a result of significant project …
contract value. Enormous pressures are put on public spend as a result of significant project …
Gestión de calidad ISO 9001 y gestión de proyectos en edificaciones de una empresa constructora, alto Amazonas-2024
M Coral Garcia - 2024 - alicia.concytec.gob.pe
La investigación contribuye al Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible número 9," industria,
innovación e infraestructura", tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre la …
innovación e infraestructura", tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre la …
**婧豪, 马英, 吴南伟 - Archicreation/Jianzhu Chuangzuo, 2024 - search.ebscohost.com
基金项目: **建筑设计研究院有限公司科技创新项目“基于热舒适的城市滨水人居环境布局
自动优化方法研究”(1100C080220334) 摘要: 城市滨水人居环境**年来逐渐成为热点研究对象 …
自动优化方法研究”(1100C080220334) 摘要: 城市滨水人居环境**年来逐渐成为热点研究对象 …