Corporate sustainability reporting in Europe: A sco** review
This paper provides a sco** review of European sustainability reporting studies. Previous
sustainability studies do not offer a comprehensive discussion of features key to the …
sustainability studies do not offer a comprehensive discussion of features key to the …
Corporate scope 3 carbon emission reporting as an enabler of supply chain decarbonization: A systematic review and comprehensive research agenda
M Hettler, L Graf‐Vlachy - Business Strategy and the …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Firms worldwide are currently investigating ways to decarbonize global supply chains.
Corporate scope 3 carbon emission reporting is a critical first step but is not yet a common …
Corporate scope 3 carbon emission reporting is a critical first step but is not yet a common …
[HTML][HTML] Corporate commitment to climate change: The effect of eco-innovation and climate governance
Climate change represents a significant problem to the planet which raises concerns from
stakeholder groups about corporate commitment to climate change issues. In this paper, we …
stakeholder groups about corporate commitment to climate change issues. In this paper, we …
Impacts on the ESG and financial performances of companies in the manufacturing industry based on the climate change related risks
HM Chen, TC Kuo, JL Chen - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022 - Elsevier
In the face of global systemic risks brought about by climate change, government
organizations, civil societies, and enterprises globally have begun standardizing and …
organizations, civil societies, and enterprises globally have begun standardizing and …
The relationship between environmental, social, and financial performance in the banking sector: A European study
There is a growing interest in assessing environmental performance, social responsibility,
and corporate governance (ESG) in the banking sector. Also, significant relationships are …
and corporate governance (ESG) in the banking sector. Also, significant relationships are …
The influence of firm size on the ESG score: Corporate sustainability ratings under review
The concept of sustainable and responsible (SR) investments expresses that every
investment should be based on the SR investor's code of ethics. To a large extent the …
investment should be based on the SR investor's code of ethics. To a large extent the …
How do companies respond to environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings? Evidence from Italy
E Clementino, R Perkins - Journal of Business Ethics, 2021 - Springer
While a growing number of firms are being evaluated on environment, social and
governance (ESG) criteria by sustainability rating agencies (SRAs), comparatively little is …
governance (ESG) criteria by sustainability rating agencies (SRAs), comparatively little is …
Carbon performance and disclosure: A systematic review of governance-related determinants and financial consequences
The purpose of this paper is to convey a thorough understanding of the governance-related
determinants and financial consequences of carbon performance and disclosure. Its …
determinants and financial consequences of carbon performance and disclosure. Its …
Carbon risk, carbon risk awareness and the cost of debt financing
We seek insights into potential benefits for firms adopting strategies to improve business
sustainability in a carbon-constrained future. We investigate whether lenders incorporate a …
sustainability in a carbon-constrained future. We investigate whether lenders incorporate a …
Environmental legitimacy, green innovation, and corporate carbon disclosure: Evidence from CDP China 100
Firms worldwide are increasingly required to disclose (and make efforts to reduce) their
carbon emissions due to the environmental damage associated with climate change …
carbon emissions due to the environmental damage associated with climate change …