Rapid and sensitive protein complex alignment with foldseek-multimer
Advances in computational structure prediction will vastly augment the hundreds of
thousands of currently available protein complex structures. Translating these into …
thousands of currently available protein complex structures. Translating these into …
GTalign: Spatial index-driven protein structure alignment, superposition, and search
M Margelevičius - Nature Communications, 2024 - nature.com
With protein databases growing rapidly due to advances in structural and computational
biology, the ability to accurately align and rapidly search protein structures has become …
biology, the ability to accurately align and rapidly search protein structures has become …
Data and AI-driven synthetic binding protein discovery
Synthetic binding proteins (SBPs) are a class of protein binders that are artificially created
and do not exist naturally. Their broad applications in tackling challenges of research …
and do not exist naturally. Their broad applications in tackling challenges of research …
GTalign: High-performance protein structure alignment, superposition, and search
M Margelevičius - bioRxiv, 2023 - biorxiv.org
In response to the challenge posed by vast protein structure repositories, GTalign offers an
innovative solution to protein structure alignment and search—an algorithm that achieves …
innovative solution to protein structure alignment and search—an algorithm that achieves …
Rapid and Sensitive Protein Complex Alignment with Foldseek-Multimer
Advances in computational structure prediction will vastly augment the hundreds of
thousands of currently-available protein complex structures. Translating these into …
thousands of currently-available protein complex structures. Translating these into …
Vizualizace funkcí podobných proteinů
M Turinská - 2024 - dspace.cuni.cz
Důležitou úlohou v molekulární biologii je hledání nových proteinů a sta-novení jejich
funkce. Přestože experimentální výzkum proteinů je stále ne-nahraditelný, výpočetní …
funkce. Přestože experimentální výzkum proteinů je stále ne-nahraditelný, výpočetní …