Arabic Quranic search tool based on ontology
This paper reviews and classifies most of the common types of search techniques that have
been applied on the Holy Quran. Then, it addresses the limitations of these methods …
been applied on the Holy Quran. Then, it addresses the limitations of these methods …
[PDF][PDF] Processing the text of the Holy Quran: a text mining study
The Holy Quran is the reference book for more than 1.6 billion of Muslims all around the
world Extracting information and knowledge from the Holy Quran is of high benefit for both …
world Extracting information and knowledge from the Holy Quran is of high benefit for both …
[PDF][PDF] Evaluation criteria for computational Quran search
This paper reviews search tools constructed for Information Retrieval from the Holy Quran.
This paper evaluates these different search tools against 13 criteria depending on: search …
This paper evaluates these different search tools against 13 criteria depending on: search …
[PDF][PDF] Hybrid search approach for retrieving Medical and Health Science knowledge from Quran
Recently, there are two techniques for knowledge retrieval for Al-Quran which are known as
keyword-based and semantic based [4]. The keyword-based technique finds possible word …
keyword-based and semantic based [4]. The keyword-based technique finds possible word …
Quranic Arabic semantic search model based on ontology of concepts
MMA Alqahtani - 2019 - etheses.whiterose.ac.uk
The Holy Quran is the essential resource for Islamic sciences and Arabic language.
Therefore, numerous Quranic search applications have been built to facilitate the retrieval of …
Therefore, numerous Quranic search applications have been built to facilitate the retrieval of …
[PDF][PDF] Using an Islamic Question and Answer Knowledge Base to answer questions about the holy Quran
This paper presents the QAEQAS Quranic Arabic/English Question Answering System,
which relies on a specialized search dataset corpus, and data redundancy. Our corpus is …
which relies on a specialized search dataset corpus, and data redundancy. Our corpus is …
A hybrid information retrieval for indonesian translation of Quran by using single pass clustering algorithm
The holy Quran as a scripture and the source of law must be believed by more than one
billion Muslim in the world. To be a good Muslim, someone must be able to understand the …
billion Muslim in the world. To be a good Muslim, someone must be able to understand the …
[PDF][PDF] A systematic review on semantic-based ontology for Quranic knowledge
Abstract The Holy Quran ontology models are gaining popularity among researchers due to
people's demands in understanding this divine book. Due to this, there are many studies …
people's demands in understanding this divine book. Due to this, there are many studies …
[PDF][PDF] Semantic method for query translation.
Cross language information retrieval (CLIR) presents huge ambiguous results as polysemy
problems. Therefore, the semantic approach comes to solve the polysemy problem which …
problems. Therefore, the semantic approach comes to solve the polysemy problem which …
A review of semantic search methods to retrieve information from the Qur'an corpus
MMA Alqahtani, E Atwell - 2015 - eprints.whiterose.ac.uk
The Holy Qur'an is the most important resource for the Islamic sciences and the Arabic
language (Iqbal et al., 2013). Muslims believe that the Qur'an is a revelation from Allah that …
language (Iqbal et al., 2013). Muslims believe that the Qur'an is a revelation from Allah that …