[КНИГА][B] Script effects as the hidden drive of the mind, cognition, and culture

HK Pae - 2020 - library.oapen.org
This open access volume reveals the hidden power of the script we read in and how it
shapes and drives our minds, ways of thinking, and cultures. Expanding on the Linguistic …

Stage 2 registered report: Metacognitive asymmetries in visual perception

M Mazor, R Moran, SM Fleming - Neuroscience of …, 2021 - academic.oup.com
Representing the absence of objects is psychologically demanding. People are slower, less
confident and show lower metacognitive sensitivity (the alignment between subjective …

Pareidolic faces receive prioritized attention in the dot-probe task

KV Jakobsen, BK Hunter, EA Simpson - Attention, Perception, & …, 2023 - Springer
Face pareidolia occurs when random or ambiguous inanimate objects are perceived as
faces. While real faces automatically receive prioritized attention compared with nonface …

Face perception loves a challenge: Less information sparks more attraction

J Sadr, L Krowicki - Vision Research, 2019 - Elsevier
Examining hedonic questions of processing fluency, objective stimulus clarity, and
goodness-of-fit in face perception, across three experiments (blur, contrast, occlusion) in …

Face pareidolia in the brain: Impact of gender and orientation

MA Pavlova, V Romagnano, AJ Fallgatter… - PLoS One, 2020 - journals.plos.org
Research on face sensitivity is of particular relevance during the rapidly evolving Covid-19
pandemic leading to social isolation, but also calling for intact interaction and sharing …

Whole-object effects in visual word processing: Parallels with and differences from face recognition

M Feizabadi, A Albonico, R Starrfelt… - Cognitive …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Visual words and faces differ in their structural properties, but both are objects of high
expertise. Holistic processing is said to characterize expert face recognition, but the extent to …

[HTML][HTML] The face inversion effect or the face upright effect?

C Gerlach, CD Kühn, AB Mathiassen, CL Kristensen… - Cognition, 2023 - Elsevier
The face inversion effect (FIE) refers to the observation that presenting stimuli upside-down
impairs the processing of faces disproportionally more than other mono-oriented objects …

Search for face identity or expression: Set size effects in developmental prosopagnosia

S Djouab, A Albonico, SC Yeung… - Journal of Cognitive …, 2020 - direct.mit.edu
The set size effect during visual search indexes the effects of processing load and thus the
efficiency of perceptual mechanisms. Our goal was to investigate whether individuals with …

The mechanisms supporting holistic perception of words and faces are not independent

P Ventura, TT Liu, F Cruz, A Pereira - Memory & Cognition, 2023 - Springer
The question of whether word and face recognition rely on overlap** or dissociable neural
and cognitive mechanisms received considerable attention in the literature. In the present …

Developmental emergence of holistic processing in word recognition

RP Nischal, M Behrmann - Developmental science, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Holistic processing (HP) of faces refers to the obligatory, simultaneous processing of the
parts and their relations, and it emerges over the course of development. HP is manifest in a …