Toward intelligent metasurfaces: the progress from globally tunable metasurfaces to software‐defined metasurfaces with an embedded network of controllers
Metasurfaces, the ultrathin, 2D version of metamaterials, have recently attracted a surge of
attention for their capability to manipulate electromagnetic waves. Recent advances in …
attention for their capability to manipulate electromagnetic waves. Recent advances in …
[HTML][HTML] A review on metamaterials for device applications
Metamaterials are the major type of artificially engineered materials which exhibit naturally
unobtainable properties according to how their microarchitectures are engineered. Owing to …
unobtainable properties according to how their microarchitectures are engineered. Owing to …
Intelligent beam steering for wireless communication using programmable metasurfaces
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) are well established as a promising solution to the
blockage problem in millimeter-wave (mm-wave) and terahertz (THz) communications …
blockage problem in millimeter-wave (mm-wave) and terahertz (THz) communications …
Multiwideband terahertz communications via tunable graphene-based metasurfaces in 6G networks: Graphene enables ultimate multiwideband THz wavefront control
The next generation of wireless networks is expected to tap into the terahertz (THz) band
(0.1–10 THz) to satisfy the extreme latency and bandwidth density requirements of future …
(0.1–10 THz) to satisfy the extreme latency and bandwidth density requirements of future …
Multifunctional metasurface architecture for amplitude, polarization and wave-front control
Metasurfaces (MSs) have been utilized to manipulate different properties of electromagnetic
waves. By combining local control over the wave amplitude, phase, and polarization into a …
waves. By combining local control over the wave amplitude, phase, and polarization into a …
[HTML][HTML] Cooperis: A framework for the simulation of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces in cooperative driving environments
Future connected vehicles will require high-performance communication technologies for
advanced cooperative driving applications such as maneuvering and cooperative …
advanced cooperative driving applications such as maneuvering and cooperative …
XR-RF imaging enabled by software-defined metasurfaces and machine learning: Foundational vision, technologies and challenges
In this work, we present a new approach to Extended Reality (XR), denoted as
iCOPYWAVES, which seeks to offer naturally low-latency operation and cost effectiveness …
iCOPYWAVES, which seeks to offer naturally low-latency operation and cost effectiveness …
Design of anomalous reflectors by phase gradient unit cell-based digitally coded metasurface
In this letter, we propose the designs of 1-bit and 2-bit digitally coded metasurfaces, which
achieve anomalous reflection-based beam steering. First, we demonstrate the systematic …
achieve anomalous reflection-based beam steering. First, we demonstrate the systematic …
The Emergence of Multi-Functional and Hybrid Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Integrated Sensing and Communications-A Survey
Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) are positioned as one of the key enabling
technologies for 6G networks as they can provide ubiquitous coverage for areas with …
technologies for 6G networks as they can provide ubiquitous coverage for areas with …
Cascaded composite turbulence and misalignment: Statistical characterization and applications to reconfigurable intelligent surface-empowered wireless systems
Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) empowered high-frequency wireless systems are
expected to become the supporting pillar for several reliability and data rate hungry …
expected to become the supporting pillar for several reliability and data rate hungry …