Considerations of aerosol-jet printing for the fabrication of printed hybrid electronic circuits
Additive manufacturing (AM) methods are coming of age and are being used to not only
fabricate non-functional prototype parts but also to fabricate high-quality functional parts …
fabricate non-functional prototype parts but also to fabricate high-quality functional parts …
Enabling High-Capacitance Supercapacitors by Polyelectrolyte Brushes
Polyelectrolyte brushes (PEBs) hold excellent potential for designing high-capacitance
electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs), a crucial component of supercapacitors. Both …
electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs), a crucial component of supercapacitors. Both …
Hydrophilic and Apolar Hydration in Densely Grafted Cationic Brushes and Counterions with Large Mobilities
We employ an all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulation framework to unravel water
microstructure and ion properties for cationic [poly (2-(methacryloyloxy) ethyl) …
microstructure and ion properties for cationic [poly (2-(methacryloyloxy) ethyl) …
Emerging macromolecular brush-based materials for stabilizing lithium metal anodes
Li-metal anode (LMA) has attracted significant attention as a prospective anode material for
next-generation Li-metal batteries (LMBs). However, the development of LMBs is hampered …
next-generation Li-metal batteries (LMBs). However, the development of LMBs is hampered …
Quantification of mono-and multivalent counterion-mediated bridging in polyelectrolyte brushes
Multivalent counterion-induced bridging interactions have been identified as the key
mechanism of drastic collapse of the height of polyelectrolyte (PE) brushes. In this article, we …
mechanism of drastic collapse of the height of polyelectrolyte (PE) brushes. In this article, we …
All-atom molecular dynamics simulations of polymer and polyelectrolyte brushes
Densely grafted polymer and polyelectrolyte (PE) brushes, owing to their significant abilities
to functionalize surfaces for a plethora of applications in sensing, diagnostics, current …
to functionalize surfaces for a plethora of applications in sensing, diagnostics, current …
Electroresponse of weak polyelectrolyte brushes
End-tethered polyelectrolytes are widely used to modify substrate properties, particularly for
lubrication or wetting. External stimuli, such as pH, salt concentration, or an electric field, can …
lubrication or wetting. External stimuli, such as pH, salt concentration, or an electric field, can …
Specific ion and electric field controlled diverse ion distribution and electroosmotic transport in a polyelectrolyte brush grafted nanochannel
Controlling ion distribution inside a charged nanochannel is central to using such channels
in diverse applications. Here, we show the possibility of using a charged polyelectrolyte (PE) …
in diverse applications. Here, we show the possibility of using a charged polyelectrolyte (PE) …
Overscreening, co-ion-dominated electroosmosis, and electric field strength mediated flow reversal in polyelectrolyte brush functionalized nanochannels
Controlling the direction and strength of nanofluidic electrohydrodyanmic transport in the
presence of an externally applied electric field is extremely important in a number of …
presence of an externally applied electric field is extremely important in a number of …
Hydrogen Bonding Inside Anionic Polymeric Brush Layer: Machine Learning-Driven Exploration of the Relative Roles of the Polymer Steric Effect, Charging, and Type …
This paper employs a combination of all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and
unsupervised machine learning (ML) for studying the water–water hydrogen bonds (HBs) …
unsupervised machine learning (ML) for studying the water–water hydrogen bonds (HBs) …