[KNIHA][B] Symplectic methods in harmonic analysis and in mathematical physics

MA De Gosson - 2011 - books.google.com
The aim of this book is to give a rigorous and complete treatment of various topics from
harmonic analysis with a strong emphasis on symplectic invariance properties, which are …

Phase space quantum mechanics

M Błaszak, Z Domański - Annals of Physics, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper develops an alternative formulation of quantum mechanics known as the phase
space quantum mechanics or deformation quantization. It is shown that the quantization …

[HTML][HTML] Quantum mechanics on phase space and the coulomb potential

P Campos, MGR Martins, JDM Vianna - Physics Letters A, 2017 - Elsevier
Symplectic quantum mechanics (SMQ) makes possible to derive the Wigner function without
the use of the Liouville–von Neumann equation. In this formulation of the quantum theory the …

Canonical transformations in quantum mechanics

M Błaszak, Z Domański - Annals of Physics, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper presents the general theory of canonical transformations of coordinates in
quantum mechanics. First, the theory is developed in the formalism of phase space quantum …

On pseudodifferential operators with symbols in generalized Shubin classes and an application to Landau-Weyl operators

F Luef, Z Rahbani - Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2011 - projecteuclid.org
The relevance of modulation spaces for deformation quantization, Landau--Weyl
quantization and noncommutative quantum mechanics became clear in recent work. We …

A pseudo-differential calculus on non-standard symplectic space; spectral and regularity results in modulation spaces

NC Dias, M de Gosson, F Luef, JN Prata - Journal de mathematiques pures …, 2011 - Elsevier
The usual Weyl calculus is intimately associated with the choice of the standard symplectic
structure on Rn⊕ Rn. In this paper we will show that the replacement of this structure by an …

[KNIHA][B] Quantum versus Classical Mechanics and Integrability Problems

M Błaszak - 2019 - Springer
It is well known for physicists that in order to describe dynamical systems of finite number of
degrees of freedom in the macro-and micro-scale, classical and quantum mechanics …

A deformation quantization theory for noncommutative quantum mechanics

NC Dias, M de Gosson, F Luef, JN Prata - Journal of mathematical …, 2010 - pubs.aip.org
We show that the deformation quantization of noncommutative quantum mechanics
previously considered by Dias and Prata [“Weyl–Wigner formulation of noncommutative …

Self-adjoint, globally defined Hamiltonian operators for systems with boundaries

NC Dias, A Posilicano, JN Prata - Communications on Pure and …, 2011 - aimsciences.org
For a general self-adjoint Hamiltonian operator $ H_0 $ on the Hilbert space $ L^ 2 (R^ d) $,
we determine the set of all self-adjoint Hamiltonians $ H $ on $ L^ 2 (R^ d) $ that …

[HTML][HTML] Selective engineering for preparing entangled steady states in cavity qed setup

EHS Sousa, JA Roversi - Quantum Reports, 2019 - mdpi.com
We propose a dissipative scheme to prepare maximally entangled steady states in cavity
QED setup, consisting of two two-level atoms interacting with the two counter-propagating …