[HTML][HTML] Operations management, sustainability & industry 5.0: A critical analysis and future agenda

S Garrido, J Muniz Jr, VB Ribeiro - Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 2024 - Elsevier
This study aims to discuss how literature explores the relationship between Industry 4.0 and
Industry 5.0, operations management, and sustainability. A systematic literature review was …

Industry 4.0 at Brazilian modular consortium: work, process and knowledge in engine supply chain

J Muniz, GP Moschetto, D Wintersberger - Production, 2023 - SciELO Brasil
Paper aims This paper aims to discuss Industry 4.0 (I4. 0) impacts on the Brazilian Modular
Consortium (BMC) assembly lines related to work-issues correlated with human resources; …

The “V” model for decision analysis of additive manufacturing implementation

AF De Lima, WC Satyro, JC Contador… - Journal of …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to broaden the understanding of the additive manufacturing (AM)
body of knowledge, presenting a model better suited to the current level of technological …

Enabling knowledge sharing in a production context in China

J Muniz Jr, VB Ribeiro, JFL Hong… - Knowledge and …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
There is limited research on the cultural influence on knowledge sharing in production
contexts. In view of the gap in literature, this study draws on a multi‐criteria decision‐making …

The perspective of trade union leaders from the Brazilian metallurgical sector on Industry 4.0

J Muniz, FR Martins, JPO Santos… - Gestão & …, 2023 - SciELO Brasil
The aim of this paper is to investigate trade unionists leaders' perspective on Industry 4.0.
Questionnaires and interviews were carried out. Two conclusions were pointed out: a …

[PDF][PDF] Information security and quality management systems integration: challenges and critical factors

AP Fiore, ALF Facin, J Muniz Jr - International Journal for Quality …, 2023 - researchgate.net
Implementing a new management system in organizations that already have a certified
management system can be challenging. This research discussed enabler factors that …

Resíduos sólidos urbanos ea Agenda 2030: Uma análise das ações realizadas pelo município de São José do Seridó/RN

KL de Azevêdo Santos, JA de Medeiros… - Research, Society and …, 2021 - rsdjournal.org
The actions carried out by the municipal entity of São José do Seridó/RN, regarding the
management of solid waste in the municipality and its correlation with the objectives outlined …

Opportunities for cleaner production (CP) using process flow analysis: Case study of a furniture manufacturer in the city of Palhoça (SC, Brazil)

PS Lins, RDA Cunha, A Kiperstok, ÁLQRS Rapôso… - Sustainability, 2020 - mdpi.com
The present article was aimed at identifying opportunities for cleaner production (CP) from
the process flow analysis of a furniture manufacturing company located in the municipality of …

Proposta de melhoria da qualidade com a implantação da metodologia Seis Sigma

FC Pinho, A dos Santos Vilela… - Research, Society and …, 2020 - rsdjournal.org
This article aims to explore, through a qualitative bibliographic search, the benefits brought
by the implementation of the Six Sigma methodology, which, in turn, aims to use effective …

Resultados obtidos com a implantação do enterprise resource planning em uma indústria metalúrgica: sob a perspectiva dos colaboradores

RB Borghi, GY Endo, EV Lucion… - … Inovação, Projetos e …, 2021 - periodicos.uninove.br
O objetivo deste artigo foi descrever e compreender as experiências dos colaboradores das
áreas operacionais e estratégicas após a implantação do sistema Enterprise Resource …