The art of co-production of knowledge in environmental sciences and management: lessons from international practice
This review paper addresses the challenging question of “how to” design and implement co-
production of knowledge in climate science and other environmental and agricultural …
production of knowledge in climate science and other environmental and agricultural …
A critical political ecology of human dimensions of climate change: Epistemology, ontology, and ethics
To understand the broader epistemological and ontological politics of human dimensions of
climate change, this review adopts a political ecology approach, informed by Science and …
climate change, this review adopts a political ecology approach, informed by Science and …
The future of sustainability science: a solutions-oriented research agenda
Over the last decade, sustainability science has been at the leading edge of widespread
efforts from the social and natural sciences to produce use-inspired research. Yet, how …
efforts from the social and natural sciences to produce use-inspired research. Yet, how …
Co-creation of knowledge in agroecology
The co-creation of knowledge is gaining recognition and use within the science, practice,
and movement of agroecology. Knowledge co-creation fosters participatory learning and …
and movement of agroecology. Knowledge co-creation fosters participatory learning and …
[HTML][HTML] Is this what success looks like? Mismatches between the aims, claims, and evidence used to demonstrate impact from knowledge exchange processes at the …
As anthropogenic pressures on the environment grow, science-policy interaction is
increasingly needed to support evidence-informed decision-making. However, there are …
increasingly needed to support evidence-informed decision-making. However, there are …
[HTML][HTML] Can science on transformation transform science? Lessons from co-design
SC Moser - Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2016 - Elsevier
Highlights•Synthesizes observations and insights from 16 practical co-design
experiences.•Provides insights into the design choices, partner selection, and challenges of …
experiences.•Provides insights into the design choices, partner selection, and challenges of …
[HTML][HTML] Engaging with stakeholders to produce actionable science: a framework and guidance
Natural and cultural resource managers are increasingly working with the scientific
community to create information on how best to adapt to the current and projected impacts of …
community to create information on how best to adapt to the current and projected impacts of …
[HTML][HTML] Just another buzzword? A systematic literature review of knowledge-related concepts in sustainability science
Abstract Knowledge is a vital resource for both understanding and addressing pressing
social–ecological challenges of our time. Sustainability scientists have thus increasingly …
social–ecological challenges of our time. Sustainability scientists have thus increasingly …
The Roles of Residents in Climate Adaptation: A systematic review in the case of the Netherlands
Climate adaptation literature has hitherto devoted limited attention to the roles of residents.
Yet their role is crucial in addressing non‐or maladaptation, as their initiative or consent is …
Yet their role is crucial in addressing non‐or maladaptation, as their initiative or consent is …
Barriers to, and enablers for, stakeholder collaboration in risk-sensitive urban planning: a systematised literature review
The lack of stakeholder collaboration has been recognised as a prominent hindrance in
implementing risk-sensitive urban planning for creating resilient environments for …
implementing risk-sensitive urban planning for creating resilient environments for …