Probing dynamics in quantum materials with femtosecond X-rays

M Buzzi, M Först, R Mankowsky, A Cavalleri - Nature Reviews Materials, 2018 -
Optical pulses are routinely used to drive dynamic changes in the properties of solids. In
quantum materials, many new phenomena have been discovered, including ultrafast …

Photoinduced electron pairing in a driven cavity

H Gao, F Schlawin, M Buzzi, A Cavalleri, D Jaksch - Physical Review Letters, 2020 - APS
We demonstrate how virtual scattering of laser photons inside a cavity via two-photon
processes can induce controllable long-range electron interactions in two-dimensional …

Ultrafast switching to an insulating-like metastable state by amplitudon excitation of a charge density wave

N Yoshikawa, H Suganuma, H Matsuoka, Y Tanaka… - Nature Physics, 2021 -
In correlated electron materials, multiple electronic phases may appear next to each other in
their phase diagram, and these can be tuned, for example, by applying static pressure or …

Parametric excitation of an optically silent goldstone-like phonon mode

DM Juraschek, QN Meier, P Narang - Physical review letters, 2020 - APS
It has recently been indicated that the hexagonal manganites exhibit Higgs-and Goldstone-
like phonon modes that modulate the amplitude and phase of their primary order parameter …

Spin high harmonic generation through terahertz laser-driven phonons

NM Allafi, MH Kolodrubetz, M Bukov, V Oganesyan… - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
In the realm of open quantum systems, steady states and high-harmonic generation (HHG)
existing far from equilibrium have become core pillars of ultrafast science. Most solid-state …

Three-dimensional ultrafast charge-density-wave dynamics in CuTe

N Nhat Quyen, WY Tzeng, CE Hsu, IA Lin… - Nature …, 2024 -
Charge density waves (CDWs) involved with electronic and phononic subsystems
simultaneously are a common quantum state in solid-state physics, especially in low …

Spectrally Resolving the Phase and Amplitude of Coherent Phonons in the Charge Density Wave State of 1T‐TaSe2

CJ Sayers, S Dal Conte, D Wolverson… - Advanced Optical …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The excitation and detection of coherent phonons have given unique insights into the
condensed matter, in particular for materials with strong electron–phonon coupling. A study …

Comparison of coherent phonon generation by electronic and ionic Raman scattering in

MJ Neugebauer, DM Juraschek, M Savoini… - Physical Review …, 2021 - APS
In ionic Raman scattering, infrared-active phonons mediate a scattering process that results
in the creation or destruction of a Raman-active phonon. This mechanism relies on …

Band-selective Holstein polaron in Luttinger liquid material A0.3MoO3 (A = K, Rb)

L Kang, X Du, JS Zhou, X Gu, YJ Chen, RZ Xu… - Nature …, 2021 -
Abstract (Quasi-) one-dimensional systems exhibit various fascinating properties such as
Luttinger liquid behavior, Peierls transition, novel topological phases, and the …

Bypassing the structural bottleneck in the ultrafast melting of electronic order

LX Yang, G Rohde, K Hanff, A Stange, R **ong, J Shi… - Physical review …, 2020 - APS
Impulsive optical excitation generally results in a complex nonequilibrium electron and
lattice dynamics that involves multiple processes on distinct timescales, and a common …