Iron and manganese in lakes

W Davison - Earth-Science Reviews, 1993‏ - Elsevier
The role of redox processes in determining the chemistry of iron and manganese is
considered systematically. Both metals have soluble reduced forms and insoluble …

Potential palaeoenvironmental information of C24 to C36 mid-chain diols, keto-ols and mid-chain hydroxy fatty acids; a critical review

GJM Versteegh, HJ Bosch, JW De Leeuw - Organic Geochemistry, 1997‏ - Elsevier
The environmental occurrence of long-chain mid-chain diols, keto-ols and mid-chain
hydroxy fatty acids is reviewed. The published information is heavily biased towards organic …

[ספר][B] Metals in the Hydrocycle

W Salomons, U Förstner - 2012‏ -
Metals in the hydrological cycle represent a very broad subject covering all parts of the
geological cycle. The present version of this book, therefore, would not have been possible …

The rare earth elements in rivers, estuaries, and coastal seas and their significance to the composition of ocean waters

H Elderfield, R Upstill-Goddard… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 1990‏ - Elsevier
The concentrations of the rare earth elements (REEs) in samples from 15 rivers, from 6
estuarine transects, and of 5 coastal seawaters are reported and have been used with …

Manganese, iron and sulfur cycling in a coastal marine sediment, Aarhus Bay, Denmark

B Thamdrup, H Fossing, BB Jørgensen - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1994‏ - Elsevier
The seasonal variation in oxidized and reduced pools of Mn, Fe and S, as well as the rates
of SO 4 2− reduction, were studied in a fine-grained sediment. Below the 1–5 mm thick oxic …

Bacterial manganese and iron reduction in aquatic sediments

B Thamdrup - Advances in microbial ecology, 2000‏ - Springer
Over the past decade, the significance of bacteria in the biogeochemical manganese and
iron cycles has gained broad appreciation. Particular interest has been devoted to the …

Abundant porewater Mn (III) is a major component of the sedimentary redox system

AS Madison, BM Tebo, A Mucci, B Sundby… - science, 2013‏ -
Soluble manganese (III)[Mn (III)] can potentially serve as both oxidant and reductant in one-
electron-transfer reactions with other redox species. In near-surface sediment porewater, it is …

CORTEX, a shipboard XRF-scanner for element analyses in split sediment cores

JHF Jansen, SJ Van der Gaast, B Koster, AJ Vaars - Marine geology, 1998‏ - Elsevier
The CORTEX (Corescanner Texel) is a non-destructive XRF system for the logging of split
sediment cores. It is a seaworthy instrument that remains active during heavy weather …

Soluble Mn (III)–L complexes are abundant in oxygenated waters and stabilized by humic ligands

VE Oldham, A Mucci, BM Tebo, GW Luther III - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2017‏ - Elsevier
Abstract Dissolved Mn (dMn T) is thought to be dominated by metastable Mn (II) in the
presence of oxygen, as the stable form is insoluble Mn (IV). We show, for the first time, that …

Processes affecting metal concentrations in estuarine and coastal marine sediments

SN Luoma - Heavy metals in the marine environment, 2018‏ -
This chapter discusses processes that influence metal concentrations in sediment and
evaluates the approaches most effective in separation of anthropogenic contamination from …