Linear and nonlinear current response in disordered -wave superconductors
We present a detailed theoretical investigation of the linear and nonlinear optical response
in a model system for a disordered d-wave superconductor. By evaluating the quasiparticle …
in a model system for a disordered d-wave superconductor. By evaluating the quasiparticle …
Self-consistent-field ensembles of disordered Hamiltonians: Efficient solver and application to superconducting films
Our general interest is in self-consistent-field (scf) theories of disordered fermions. They
generate physically relevant subensembles (“scf ensembles”) within a given Altland …
generate physically relevant subensembles (“scf ensembles”) within a given Altland …
Disorder-robust phase crystal in high-temperature superconductors stabilized by strong correlations
The simultaneous interplay of strong electron–electron correlations, topological zero-energy
states, and disorder is yet an unexplored territory but of immense interest due to their …
states, and disorder is yet an unexplored territory but of immense interest due to their …
Raising the critical temperature by disorder in unconventional superconductors mediated by spin fluctuations
We propose a mechanism whereby disorder can enhance the transition temperature T c of
an unconventional superconductor with pairing driven by exchange of spin fluctuations. The …
an unconventional superconductor with pairing driven by exchange of spin fluctuations. The …
Resolution of the exponent puzzle for the Anderson transition in doped semiconductors
The Anderson metal-insulator transition (MIT) is central to our understanding of the quantum
mechanical nature of disordered materials. Despite extensive efforts by theory and …
mechanical nature of disordered materials. Despite extensive efforts by theory and …
Enigma of the vortex state in a strongly correlated -wave superconductor
We show that strong electronic repulsion transforms a vortex core from a metallic type in the
overdoped regime to a Mott insulator at underdo** of a strongly correlated d-wave …
overdoped regime to a Mott insulator at underdo** of a strongly correlated d-wave …
Non-homogeneous pairing in disordered two-orbital s-wave superconductors
Non-homogeneous pairing in disordered two-orbital s-wave superconductors - IOPscience
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This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this site you agree to our use of cookies. To find …
Pairing theory for strongly correlated -wave superconductors
Motivated by recent proposals of correlation induced insensitivity of d-wave superconductors
to impurities, we develop a simple pairing theory for these systems for up to a moderate …
to impurities, we develop a simple pairing theory for these systems for up to a moderate …
Gutzwiller projection for exclusion of holes: Application to strongly correlated ionic Hubbard model and binary alloys
We consider the strongly correlated limit of variants of the Hubbard model in which on parts
of the system it is energetically favorable to project out doublons from the low-energy Hilbert …
of the system it is energetically favorable to project out doublons from the low-energy Hilbert …
Subgap two-particle spectral weight in disordered -wave superconductors: Insights from mode coupling approach
We study the two-particle spectral functions and collective modes of weakly disordered
superconductors using a disordered attractive Hubbard model on a square lattice. We show …
superconductors using a disordered attractive Hubbard model on a square lattice. We show …