Keldysh theory of strong field ionization: history, applications, difficulties and perspectives
The history and current status of the Keldysh theory of strong field ionization are reviewed.
The focus is on the fundamentals of the theory, its most important applications and those …
The focus is on the fundamentals of the theory, its most important applications and those …
Tunnel and multiphoton ionization of atoms and ions in a strong laser field (Keldysh theory)
VS Popov - Physics-Uspekhi, 2004 - iopscience.iop.org
The theoretical description of the nonlinear photoionization of atoms and ions exposed to
high-intensity laser radiation is underlain by the Keldysh theory proposed in 1964. The …
high-intensity laser radiation is underlain by the Keldysh theory proposed in 1964. The …
Above-threshold ionization: From classical features to quantum effects
With the discovery of above-threshold ionization (ATI) by Agostini et al.(1979) intense-laser
atom physics entered the nonperturbative regime. These experiments recorded the …
atom physics entered the nonperturbative regime. These experiments recorded the …
Above-threshold ionization by few-cycle pulses
The theoretical description and the experimental methods and results for above-threshold
ionization (ATI) by few-cycle pulses are reviewed. A pulse is referred to as a few-cycle pulse …
ionization (ATI) by few-cycle pulses are reviewed. A pulse is referred to as a few-cycle pulse …
Atomic negative ions: structure, dynamics and collisions
T Andersen - Physics Reports, 2004 - Elsevier
This paper reviews the knowledge of the structure, dynamics and collisions of atomic
negative ions, as accumulated at the end of 2003, and describes how the research exploring …
negative ions, as accumulated at the end of 2003, and describes how the research exploring …
Attosecond physics phenomena at nanometric tips
Attosecond science is based on electron dynamics driven by a strong optical electric field
and has evolved beyond its original scope in gas-phase atomic and molecular physics to …
and has evolved beyond its original scope in gas-phase atomic and molecular physics to …
The plateau in above-threshold ionization: the keystone of rescattering physics
A review is presented of the rescattering plateau in laser-induced above-threshold ionization
and its various features as they were discovered over time. Several theoretical explanations …
and its various features as they were discovered over time. Several theoretical explanations …
Improved strong-field approximation and quantum-orbit theory: Application to ionization by a bicircular laser field
A theory of above-threshold ionization of atoms by a strong laser field is formulated. Two
versions of the strong-field approximation (SFA) are considered, the direct SFA and the …
versions of the strong-field approximation (SFA) are considered, the direct SFA and the …
Strong-field approximation for intense-laser–atom processes: The choice of gauge
The strong-field approximation (SFA) can be and has been applied in both length gauge
and velocity gauge with quantitatively conflicting answers. For ionization of negative ions …
and velocity gauge with quantitatively conflicting answers. For ionization of negative ions …
Dynamics of valence-shell electrons and nuclei probed by strong-field holography and rescattering
Strong-field photoelectron holography and laser-induced electron diffraction (LIED) are two
powerful emerging methods for probing the ultrafast dynamics of molecules. However, both …
powerful emerging methods for probing the ultrafast dynamics of molecules. However, both …