[HTML][HTML] Smarter eco-cities and their leading-edge artificial intelligence of things solutions for environmental sustainability: A comprehensive systematic review
The recent advancements made in the realms of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial
Intelligence of Things (AIoT) have unveiled transformative prospects and opportunities to …
Intelligence of Things (AIoT) have unveiled transformative prospects and opportunities to …
[HTML][HTML] Artificial intelligence in the construction industry: A review of present status, opportunities and future challenges
The growth of the construction industry is severely limited by the myriad complex challenges
it faces such as cost and time overruns, health and safety, productivity and labour shortages …
it faces such as cost and time overruns, health and safety, productivity and labour shortages …
Structural health monitoring of civil engineering structures by using the internet of things: A review
Structural health monitoring (SHM) and damage assessment of civil engineering
infrastructure are complex tasks. Structural health and strength of structures are influenced …
infrastructure are complex tasks. Structural health and strength of structures are influenced …
Smart cities—a structured literature review
Smart cities are rapidly evolving concept-transforming urban developments in the 21st
century. Smart cities use advanced technologies and data analytics to improve the quality of …
century. Smart cities use advanced technologies and data analytics to improve the quality of …
[HTML][HTML] The big picture on the internet of things and the smart city: a review of what we know and what we need to know
This study examines how the application of the IoT in smart cities is discussed in the current
academic literature. Based on bibliometric techniques, 1,802 articles were retrieved from the …
academic literature. Based on bibliometric techniques, 1,802 articles were retrieved from the …
A systematic review of the smart energy conservation system: From smart homes to sustainable smart cities
In recent years, smart cities have emerged with energy conservation systems for managing
energy in cities as well as buildings. Although many studies on energy conservation systems …
energy in cities as well as buildings. Although many studies on energy conservation systems …
Enabling technologies and sustainable smart cities
The technological interventions in everyday processes has led to the rise of Smart
ecosystems where all aspects of everyday life like governance, transportation, agriculture …
ecosystems where all aspects of everyday life like governance, transportation, agriculture …
Environmentally sustainable smart cities and their converging AI, IoT, and big data technologies and solutions: an integrated approach to an extensive literature …
There have recently been intensive efforts aimed at addressing the challenges of
environmental degradation and climate change through the applied innovative solutions of …
environmental degradation and climate change through the applied innovative solutions of …
Planificación turística en España. De los paradigmas tradicionales a los nuevos enfoques: planificación turística inteligente
La actividad turística experimenta notables transformaciones, consecuencia de factores
como la evolución tecnológica, los cambios en la demanda y la aparición de nuevos …
como la evolución tecnológica, los cambios en la demanda y la aparición de nuevos …
Leveraging Deep Learning and IoT big data analytics to support the smart cities development: Review and future directions
The rapid growth of urban populations worldwide imposes new challenges on citizens' daily
lives, including environmental pollution, public security, road congestion, etc. New …
lives, including environmental pollution, public security, road congestion, etc. New …