Estimation of gait mechanics based on simulated and measured IMU data using an artificial neural network
Enhancement of activity is one major topic related to the aging society. Therefore, it is
necessary to understand people's motion and identify possible risk factors during activity …
necessary to understand people's motion and identify possible risk factors during activity …
[HTML][HTML] ISB recommendations on the definition, estimation, and reporting of joint kinematics in human motion analysis applications using wearable inertial …
There is widespread and growing use of inertial measurement technology for human motion
analysis in biomechanics and clinical research. Due to advancements in sensor …
analysis in biomechanics and clinical research. Due to advancements in sensor …
Multi-modal upper limbs human motion estimation from a reduced set of affordable sensors
This study aims at develo** a new affordable motion capture system for human upper
limbs' joint kinematics estimation based on a reduced set of visual inertial measurement …
limbs' joint kinematics estimation based on a reduced set of visual inertial measurement …
Influence of Visual-Inertial Sensor-To-Segment Calibration on Upper Limb Joint Angles Estimation from Multiple Inverse Kinematics Methods
This study aims to explore the potential for accurately estimating joint angles during upper
limb rehabilitation tasks with different calibration procedures, inverse kinematics methods …
limb rehabilitation tasks with different calibration procedures, inverse kinematics methods …
On the validity of different motion capture technologies for the analysis of running
An increasing diversity of available motion capture technologies allows for measurement of
human kinematics in various environments. However, little is known about the differences in …
human kinematics in various environments. However, little is known about the differences in …
Lower limbs human motion estimation from sparse multi-modal measurements
This study aimed at the estimation of the 3D lower-limb joint kinematics during a sit-to-stand
and a squat exercises using a new affordable motion capture system. Utilizing a reduced …
and a squat exercises using a new affordable motion capture system. Utilizing a reduced …
[HTML][HTML] Anatomical calibration through post-processing of standard motion tests data
The inertial measurement unit is popularly used as a wearable and flexible tool for human
motion tracking. Sensor-to-body alignment, or anatomical calibration (AC), is fundamental to …
motion tracking. Sensor-to-body alignment, or anatomical calibration (AC), is fundamental to …
Evaluating the feasibility of two post-hoc correction techniques for mitigating posture-induced measurement errors associated with wearable motion capture
Wearable motion capture systems are commonly used to measure body kinematics outside
of laboratory settings. However, commercially available systems are designed to be used …
of laboratory settings. However, commercially available systems are designed to be used …
[PDF][PDF] Multi-body optimization method for the estimation of joint kinematics: prospects of improvement
This thesis is submitted as partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy at
the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France and the Doctor of Philosophy at the …
the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France and the Doctor of Philosophy at the …
Toward the development of a sparse, multi-modal and affordable motion analysis system. Applications to clinical motor tests
M Adjel - 2024 - theses.hal.science
This thesis presents the development of an innovative, sparse multi-modal, and cost-
effective motion analysis system designed for the clinical quantification of motor tests …
effective motion analysis system designed for the clinical quantification of motor tests …