Boron isotope variations in tourmaline from hydrothermal ore deposits: a review of controlling factors and insights for mineralizing systems
Tourmaline group minerals are typically the predominant host of boron in hydrothermal
mineral deposits. Boron is a fluid-mobile element whose isotopic composition reflects many …
mineral deposits. Boron is a fluid-mobile element whose isotopic composition reflects many …
[HTML][HTML] Petrogenetic constraints of early Cenozoic mafic rocks in the southwest Songliao Basin, NE China: Implications for the genesis of sandstone-hosted …
DG Yang, JH Wu, FJ Nie, C Bonnetti, F **a, ZB Yan… - Minerals, 2020 - mdpi.com
The tectonic inversion of the Songliao Basin during the Cenozoic may have played an
important role in controlling the development of sandstone-type uranium deposits. The …
important role in controlling the development of sandstone-type uranium deposits. The …
Development and Re‐Evaluation of Tourmaline Reference Materials for In Situ Measurement of Boron δ Values by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Six tourmaline samples were investigated as potential reference materials (RMs) for boron
isotope measurement by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The tourmaline samples …
isotope measurement by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The tourmaline samples …
Tourmaline occurrence and gold mineralization at a granitoid-metasediment contact in the Upper Lom Basin, east Cameroon
NK Fontem, CE Suh, RB Ngatcha, EM Shemang… - SN Applied …, 2023 - Springer
Gold mineralization of the Upper Lom Basin in the eastern Cameroon goldfield is spatially
associated with tourmaline. The goldfield belongs to the Adamawa-Yadé Domain of the …
associated with tourmaline. The goldfield belongs to the Adamawa-Yadé Domain of the …
Fluid sources in basement-hosted unconformity–uranium ore systems: tourmaline chemistry and boron isotopes from the Patterson Lake corridor deposits, Canada
EG Potter, CJ Kelly, WJ Davis, G Chi… - Geochemistry …, 2022 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Abstract The Patterson Lake corridor is a new uranium district located on the southwestern
margin of the Athabasca Basin. Known resources extend almost 1 km below the …
margin of the Athabasca Basin. Known resources extend almost 1 km below the …
Uranium mobility and deposition over 1.3 Ga in the Westmoreland area (McArthur Basin, Australia)
The Westmoreland area is located in the southern part of the McArthur Basin (Australia) and
hosts several uranium (U) deposits and prospects. Previous studies proposed that U …
hosts several uranium (U) deposits and prospects. Previous studies proposed that U …
Tracer les fluides lithosphériques
A Richard - 2023 - hal.science
La plus grande partie de mon activité de recherche est centrée sur le traçage des fluides
géologiques profonds pour caractériser les transferts de matière dans la lithosphère …
géologiques profonds pour caractériser les transferts de matière dans la lithosphère …
Tourmaline occurrence and gold mineralization at a granitoid-metasediment contact in the Upper Lom Basin, east Cameroon
F Nicoline Kibong, S Cheo Emmanuel, N Ralain Bryan - 2023 - dlib.phenikaa-uni.edu.vn
Gold mineralization of the Upper Lom Basin in the eastern Cameroon goldfield is spatially
associated with tourmaline. The goldfield belongs to the Adamawa-Yadé Domain of the …
associated with tourmaline. The goldfield belongs to the Adamawa-Yadé Domain of the …
[PDF][PDF] Macro et micro caractéristiques des zones de failles, systèmes de fracture et porosité des gisements d'uranium de socle de l'Athabasca (Saskatchewan …
M Abdelrazek - 2021 - researchgate.net
Le socle cristallin sous le bassin d'Athabasca est pré-structuré bien avant le dépôt des grès
d'Athabasca. Sa structure actuelle découle de multiples stades de déformation ductile à …
d'Athabasca. Sa structure actuelle découle de multiples stades de déformation ductile à …
[Цитат][C] Targeted Geoscience Initiative 5: Integrated multidisciplinary studies of unconformity-related uranium deposits from the Patterson Lake corridor, northern …
EG Potter, V Tschirhart, JW Powell, CJ Kelly… - 2020 - Geological Survey of Canada …