[BOOK][B] Ecology, epidemiology, and evolution of parasitism in Daphnia

D Ebert - 2005 - edoc.unibas.ch
This chapter provides an overview of the biology of waterfleas of the genus Daphnia. It
describes basic aspects of individual physiology and nutrition, including some remarks …

New insights into Holocene hydrology and temperature from lipid biomarkers in western Mediterranean alpine wetlands

JL Toney, A García-Alix, G Jiménez-Moreno… - Quaternary Science …, 2020 - Elsevier
Alpine regions of the Mediterranean realm are among the most climatically sensitive areas
in the world. Thus, alpine wetlands from the southern Iberian Peninsula, in the westernmost …

Epibiosis in Crustacea: an overview

G Fernandez-Leborans - Crustaceana, 2010 - JSTOR
Although epibiosis in Crustacea has been well known for a long time, only during recen
decades these associations have been considered from various aspects: physiological …

Climate change and Saharan dust drive recent cladoceran and primary production changes in remote alpine lakes of Sierra Nevada, Spain

L Jimenez, KM Rühland, A Jeziorski… - Global change …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Recent anthropogenic climate change and the exponential increase over the past few
decades of Saharan dust deposition, containing ecologically important inputs of phosphorus …

Ecological implications of parasites in natural Daphnia populations

E Decaestecker, S Declerck, L De Meester, D Ebert - Oecologia, 2005 - Springer
In natural host populations, parasitism is considered to be omnipresent and to play an
important role in sha** host life history and population dynamics. Here, we study …

[HTML][HTML] Climatic fluctuations over the Holocene in southern Iberia (Sierra Nevada, Spain) reconstructed by fossil cladocerans

C López-Blanco, A García-Alix… - Palaeogeography …, 2024 - Elsevier
A combination of microfossil assemblages, abundance of fossil ephippia and mean body
size provides the longest paleoclimatic reconstruction based on cladoceran subfossils in the …

Long-term ecological changes in Mediterranean mountain lakes linked to recent climate change and Saharan dust deposition revealed by diatom analyses

C Pérez-Martínez, KM Rühland, JP Smol… - Science of The Total …, 2020 - Elsevier
Anthropogenic climate change and the recent increase of Saharan dust deposition has had
substantial effects on Mediterranean alpine regions. We examined changes in diatom …

Haunted by the past: evidence for dormant stage banks of microparasites and epibionts of Daphnia

E Decaestecker, C Lefever… - Limnology and …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Microparasites and epibionts have important implications for the ecology and evolution of
their zooplankton host populations. Many parasites and epibionts produce resistant spores …

Spatial and temporal patterns in the occurrence of peritrich ciliates as epibionts on calanoid copepods in the Chesapeake Bay, USA

LRP Utz, DW Coats - Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
We investigated temporal and spatial patterns of distribution in two peritrich ciliates (ie
Zoothamnium intermedium and Epistylis sp.) living as epibionts on calanoid copepods (ie …

[PDF][PDF] Sedimentary photosynthetic pigments as indicators of climate and watershed perturbations in an alpine lake in southern Spain

L Jiménez, L Romero-Viana, JM Conde-Porcuna… - Limnetica, 2015 - limnetica.net
A short core was collected in Río Seco Lake, an alpine and oligotrophic lake located in the
Sierra Nevada Mountains (in the southeast region of Spain) to determine the algal group …