The evolution of molluscs
Molluscs are extremely diverse invertebrate animals with a rich fossil record, highly
divergent life cycles, and considerable economical and ecological importance. Key …
divergent life cycles, and considerable economical and ecological importance. Key …
Cephalopod origin and evolution: a congruent picture emerging from fossils, development and molecules: extant cephalopods are younger than previously realised …
Cephalopods are extraordinary molluscs equipped with vertebrate‐like intelligence and a
unique buoyancy system for locomotion. A growing body of evidence from the fossil record …
unique buoyancy system for locomotion. A growing body of evidence from the fossil record …
[ספר][B] Biology and evolution of the mollusca, volume 1
WF Ponder, DR Lindberg, JM Ponder - 2019 -
Molluscs comprise the second largest phylum of animals (after arthropods), occurring in
virtually all habitats. Some are commercially important, a few are pests and some carry …
virtually all habitats. Some are commercially important, a few are pests and some carry …
The Devonian nekton revolution
Traditional analyses of Early Phanerozoic marine diversity at the genus level show an
explosive radiation of marine life until the Late Ordovician, followed by a phase of erratic …
explosive radiation of marine life until the Late Ordovician, followed by a phase of erratic …
Ancestral morphology of crown-group molluscs revealed by a new Ordovician stem aculiferan
Exceptionally preserved fossils provide crucial insights into extinct body plans and
organismal evolution. Molluscs, one of the most disparate animal phyla, radiated rapidly …
organismal evolution. Molluscs, one of the most disparate animal phyla, radiated rapidly …
Early cephalopod evolution clarified through Bayesian phylogenetic inference
Background Despite the excellent fossil record of cephalopods, their early evolution is
poorly understood. Different, partly incompatible phylogenetic hypotheses have been …
poorly understood. Different, partly incompatible phylogenetic hypotheses have been …
High-level classification of the nautiloid cephalopods: a proposal for the revision of the Treatise Part K
High-level classification of the nautiloid cephalopods has been largely neglected since the
publication of the Russian and American treatises in the early 1960s. Although there is …
publication of the Russian and American treatises in the early 1960s. Although there is …
Fossilized soft tissues in tentaculitids from the Upper Devonian of Armenia: Towards solving the mystery of their phylogenetic affinities
The tentaculitids represent a significant and diverse group of mysterious fossils found in
Palaeozoic strata. Their biology and evolutionary relationships remain poorly understood …
Palaeozoic strata. Their biology and evolutionary relationships remain poorly understood …
Recent advances and unanswered questions in deep molluscan phylogenetics
Despite the diversity and importance of Mollusca, evolutionary relationships among the eight
major lineages have been a longstanding unanswered question in Malacology. Early …
major lineages have been a longstanding unanswered question in Malacology. Early …
Soft‐tissue imprints in fossil and Recent cephalopod septa and septum formation
Several soft‐tissue imprints and attachment sites have been discovered on the inside of the
shell wall and on the apertural side of the septum of various fossil and Recent ectocochleate …
shell wall and on the apertural side of the septum of various fossil and Recent ectocochleate …