Electronic and optical properties of strained graphene and other strained 2D materials: a review
This review presents the state of the art in strain and ripple-induced effects on the electronic
and optical properties of graphene. It starts by providing the crystallographic description of …
and optical properties of graphene. It starts by providing the crystallographic description of …
Linear and nonlinear optical properties of graphene: a review
V Kumar - Journal of Electronic Materials, 2021 - Springer
This article gives a brief overview of the linear and nonlinear optical response of graphene
and its applications. Graphene exhibits unique physical properties. The charge carriers in …
and its applications. Graphene exhibits unique physical properties. The charge carriers in …
Photonic flatband resonances for free-electron radiation
Flatbands have become a cornerstone of contemporary condensed-matter physics and
photonics. In electronics, flatbands entail comparable energy bandwidth and Coulomb …
photonics. In electronics, flatbands entail comparable energy bandwidth and Coulomb …
Band structure engineering of 2D materials using patterned dielectric superlattices
The ability to manipulate electrons in two-dimensional materials with external electric fields
provides a route to synthetic band engineering. By imposing artificially designed and …
provides a route to synthetic band engineering. By imposing artificially designed and …
Controlled ripple texturing of suspended graphene and ultrathin graphite membranes
Graphene is nature's thinnest elastic material and displays exceptional mechanical, and
electronic properties,,. Ripples are an intrinsic feature of graphene sheets and are expected …
electronic properties,,. Ripples are an intrinsic feature of graphene sheets and are expected …
Quantum interference and Klein tunnelling in graphene heterojunctions
The observation of quantum conductance oscillations in mesoscopic systems has
traditionally required the confinement of the carriers to a phase space of reduced …
traditionally required the confinement of the carriers to a phase space of reduced …
Effects of strain on electronic properties of graphene
We present first-principles calculations of electronic properties of graphene under uniaxial
and isotropic strains, respectively. The semimetallic nature is shown to persist up to a very …
and isotropic strains, respectively. The semimetallic nature is shown to persist up to a very …
Electron optics with pn junctions in ballistic graphene
Electrons transmitted across a ballistic semiconductor junction are expected to undergo
refraction, analogous to light rays across an optical boundary. In graphene, the linear …
refraction, analogous to light rays across an optical boundary. In graphene, the linear …
Creating and probing electron whispering-gallery modes in graphene
The design of high-finesse resonant cavities for electronic waves faces challenges due to
short electron coherence lengths in solids. Complementing previous approaches to confine …
short electron coherence lengths in solids. Complementing previous approaches to confine …
New generation of massless Dirac fermions in graphene under external periodic potentials
We show that new massless Dirac fermions are generated when a slowly varying periodic
potential is applied to graphene. These quasiparticles, generated near the supercell …
potential is applied to graphene. These quasiparticles, generated near the supercell …