Carbon capture and utilization technologies: a literature review and recent advances

FM Baena-Moreno, M Rodríguez-Galán… - Energy Sources, Part …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
This paper presents a comprehensive list of Carbon Capture and Utilization technologies
and applications, ranging from lab-scale R&D activities reported in academic papers to …

From glycerol production to its value-added uses: A critical review

Z Pirzadi, F Meshkani - Fuel, 2022 - Elsevier
Glycerol as a by-product of biodiesel production shows a develo** renewable bio-derived
feedstock, which could be applied as a source for obtaining products with higher added …

[HTML][HTML] A review on the valorization of CO2. Focusing on the thermodynamics and catalyst design studies of the direct synthesis of dimethyl ether

A Ateka, P Rodriguez-Vega, J Ereña, AT Aguayo… - Fuel Processing …, 2022 - Elsevier
The direct synthesis of dimethyl ether (DME) on bifunctional catalysts is highly attractive for
valorizing CO 2 and syngas derived from biomass gasification and is a key process to …

A review on glycerol reforming processes over Ni-based catalyst for hydrogen and syngas productions

NA Roslan, SZ Abidin, A Ideris, DVN Vo - International Journal of Hydrogen …, 2020 - Elsevier
The rapid increase in energy demand coupled with the depletion of fossil-based resources
has elevated the need for cleaner, renewable and sustainable fuels. Amongst alternative …

A review of heterogeneous catalysts for syngas production via dry reforming

MAA Aziz, HD Setiabudi, LP Teh, NHR Annuar… - Journal of the Taiwan …, 2019 - Elsevier
One of the significant approaches for syngas (hydrogen and carbon monoxide) production is
through dry reforming process in which CO 2 reacted with hydrocarbons such as methane …

Enhanced syngas production from CO2 reforming of biomass-derived glycerol: Influence of CaO. Al2O3 support composition on the catalytic performance of Ni-based …

Z Pirzadi, F Meshkani, DVN Vo - Energy Conversion and Management, 2024 - Elsevier
Our research focused on biomass-derived glycerol conversion by CO 2 reforming to syngas
using Ni-based catalysts supported by Al 2 O 3 and binary oxides, namely, MgO. Al 2 O 3 …

CO2 reforming of biodiesel-waste glycerol on nanostructure Ni-SiO2. MgO catalysts for syngas production: Influence of the catalyst chemical composition

Z Pirzadi, F Meshkani - Energy Conversion and Management, 2024 - Elsevier
This study investigated the potential of CO 2 reforming of biodiesel-waste glycerol for
synthesis gas (syngas) production using xNi-ySiO 2. MgO catalysts. Catalysts were prepared …

Preparation of a Nanostructured Ni/CaO·Al2O3 Catalyst for Syngas Production via Glycerol Dry Reforming: Role of the Preparation Method

Z Pirzadi, F Meshkani - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry …, 2024 - ACS Publications
Four nickel nanostructure catalysts supported on the CaO· Al2O3 (CA) support were
synthesized with different synthesis procedures (ie, coprecipitation, evaporation-induced self …

New insights on catalytic valorization of carbon dioxide by conventional and intensified processes

A Olivier, A Desgagnés, E Mercier… - Industrial & Engineering …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Carbon capture is an emerging technology that is often mentioned as a potential solution to
the global warming crisis. However, most of the captured carbon is now treated as waste …

Enhanced Biomass-Derived Glycerol Conversion to Syngas in the CO2 Reforming Process: Influence of the Nickel Loading Method on Physicochemical Properties …

Z Pirzadi, F Meshkani, DVN Vo - Energy & Fuels, 2024 - ACS Publications
In the current study, renewable syngas production from glycerol has been investigated
through a catalytic dry reforming process using the Ni/CaO· Al2O3 catalyst. Calcium …