Amine-bearing activated rice husk ash for CO2 and H2S gas removals from biogas
NT Thanh - Engineering and Applied Science Research, 2016 -
In this study, Triamine–grafted activated rice husk ash (TRI-A-RHA) material was
investigated in the CO 2 and H 2 S removals from biogas. TRI-A-RHA was synthesized by …
investigated in the CO 2 and H 2 S removals from biogas. TRI-A-RHA was synthesized by …
Calculation of space–time concentration profiles of contaminants in a fixed sorbent bed from experimental data on dynamic water purification
IV Kumpanenko, AV Roshchin, NA Ivanova… - Russian Journal of …, 2017 - Springer
A formula for a mathematical description of the relationship between the breakthrough curve
C (t)/C 0 for the dynamic sorption purification of water and the space–time concentration …
C (t)/C 0 for the dynamic sorption purification of water and the space–time concentration …
Расчет пространственно-временных профилей концентраций загрязняющих веществ в неподвижном слое сорбента на основе экспериментальных данных …
ИВ Кумпаненко, АВ Рощин, НА Иванова… - Химическая …, 2017 -
Получена формула для математического описания связи между выходной кривой C
(t)/C 0 процесса динамической сорбционной очистки воды и пространственно …
(t)/C 0 процесса динамической сорбционной очистки воды и пространственно …
[PDF][PDF] Investigating the Effects of Inlet Conditions and Nozzle Geometry on the Performance of Supersonic Separator Used for Natural Gas Dehumidification
SSH RAJAEE, A Shahsavand - 2014 -
SUPERSONIC SEPARATOR s have found extensive applications in DEHUMIDIFICATION of
NATURAL GAS es since 2003. Unlike previous studies, which have investigated the inlet …
NATURAL GAS es since 2003. Unlike previous studies, which have investigated the inlet …