[HTML][HTML] A study of the generalized nonlinear advection-diffusion equation arising in engineering sciences
In this work, we examine a nonlinear partial differential equation of fluid mechanics, namely,
the generalized nonlinear advection–diffusion equation, which portrays the motion of …
the generalized nonlinear advection–diffusion equation, which portrays the motion of …
Heat and mass transport impact on MHD second‐grade fluid: a comparative analysis of fractional operators
The effect of the magnetic flux plays a major role in convective flow. The process of heat
transfer is accompanied by a mass transfer process; for instance, condensation …
transfer is accompanied by a mass transfer process; for instance, condensation …
[HTML][HTML] Exact solutions for thermomagetized unsteady non-singularized jeffrey fluid: Effects of ramped velocity, concentration with newtonian heating
The classical calculus due to the fact that it assumed as the instant rate of change of the
output, when the input level changes. Therefore it is not able to include the previous state of …
output, when the input level changes. Therefore it is not able to include the previous state of …
[HTML][HTML] Significance of shape factor in heat transfer performance of molybdenum-disulfide nanofluid in multiple flow situations; A comparative fractional study
In this modern era, nanofluids are considered one of the advanced kinds of heat transferring
fluids due to their enhanced thermal features. The present study is conducted to investigate …
fluids due to their enhanced thermal features. The present study is conducted to investigate …
[HTML][HTML] A homotopy method for the constrained inverse problem in the multiphase porous media flow
This paper considers the constrained inverse problem based on the nonlinear convection-
diffusion equation in the multiphase porous media flow. To solve this problem, a widely …
diffusion equation in the multiphase porous media flow. To solve this problem, a widely …
Thermal deformity and thermolysis of magnetized and fractional Newtonian fluid with rheological investigation
LA Panhwer, KA Abro, IQ Memon - Physics of Fluids, 2022 - pubs.aip.org
Thermolysis and its deformities can occur at every developmental stage at all temperatures
during the process of heating, pyrolysis mechanism, and thermodynamical decompositions …
during the process of heating, pyrolysis mechanism, and thermodynamical decompositions …
Application of statistical method on thermal resistance and conductance during magnetization of fractionalized free convection flow
Thermally induced damages such as hypolimnion, metalimnion and epilimnion are usually
caused by thermal stratification; due to this fact, fluid flows at a low velocity with large …
caused by thermal stratification; due to this fact, fluid flows at a low velocity with large …
Exact solutions of convective–diffusive Cahn–Hilliard equation using extended direct algebraic method
In this paper, we apply the extended direct algebraic method to examine the soliton
solutions as well as hyperbolic and trigonometric functions solutions of convective–diffusive …
solutions as well as hyperbolic and trigonometric functions solutions of convective–diffusive …
A mathematical model for thermography on viscous fluid based on damped thermal flux
Thermography is a fully noninvasive technique that discerns the thermal profiles of highly
viable rheological parameters in heat and mass transference. In this paper, the free …
viable rheological parameters in heat and mass transference. In this paper, the free …
Role of Fourier sine transform on the dynamical model of tensioned carbon nanotubes with fractional operator
The metallic or semiconducting characteristics of cylindrical graphitic tubes (single‐walled
carbon nanotubes) exhibit strongest fibers in the world subject to their chirality and diameter …
carbon nanotubes) exhibit strongest fibers in the world subject to their chirality and diameter …