[PDF][PDF] Impact of manpower training and development on organizational productivity and performance: A theoretical review
This paper examined the impact of manpower training and development on organizational
productivity. The paper observed that improved productivity, effectiveness and efficiency of …
productivity. The paper observed that improved productivity, effectiveness and efficiency of …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of training and development on employee performance and effectiveness: A case study of District Five Administration Office, Bole Sub-City, Addis …
The focus of this study was to determine the impact of training and development on the
employees' performance and effectiveness at District Five Administration Office, Addis …
employees' performance and effectiveness at District Five Administration Office, Addis …
[PDF][PDF] The impact of training and development on employees' performance: an analysis of quantitative data
Employees are the major assets of any organization. Every organizations needs well trained
employees to perform the activities effectively and efficiently. It is the continuous process of …
employees to perform the activities effectively and efficiently. It is the continuous process of …
Effectiveness of training and development on employees' performance and organisation competitiveness in the Nigerian banking industry
Training and development is an indispensable strategic tool for enhancing employee
performance and organizations keep increasing training budgets on a yearly basis with the …
performance and organizations keep increasing training budgets on a yearly basis with the …
[HTML][HTML] Occupational health and safety and organizational commitment: Evidence from the Ghanaian mining industry
Background This study seeks to examine the relationship and impact of occupational health
and safety on employees' organizational commitment in Ghana's mining industry. The study …
and safety on employees' organizational commitment in Ghana's mining industry. The study …
[PDF][PDF] Compensation packages: a strategic tool for employees' performance and retention
The rate at which employees in private universities in Nigeria jump from one university to the
other is becoming more disturbing and this could be as a result of compensation packages …
other is becoming more disturbing and this could be as a result of compensation packages …
[PDF][PDF] Human capital development and organizational survival: A theoretical review
O Obiekwe - International Journal of Management and …, 2018 - academia.edu
Contribution/Originality: This study contributed new knowledge to the existing literature of
management. Utilizing a theoretical approach, it investigated the impact of human capital …
management. Utilizing a theoretical approach, it investigated the impact of human capital …
Impact of different training and development programs on employee performance in Bangladesh perspective
R Al Karim - International Journal of Entrepreneurial Research, 2019 - readersinsight.net
The quality of the human resource of an organization is essential to its success. Thus, every
organization must seek to improve the quality of its workforce. One way of achieving this is …
organization must seek to improve the quality of its workforce. One way of achieving this is …
The relationship between participation in decision making and job satisfaction among academic staff in the school of business, university of Nairobi
FK Muindi - 2011 - erepository.uonbi.ac.ke
This study examines the relationship between partic ipation in decision making and job
satisfaction among academic staff in public University of Nairob i. This study was conducted …
satisfaction among academic staff in public University of Nairob i. This study was conducted …
[HTML][HTML] Gaining competitive advantage status through human resource practices: A study of Indian banks
The current situation calls for effective Human Resource (HR) operations. In order to perform
well and remain competitive, especially in service organizations, HR strategies must be …
well and remain competitive, especially in service organizations, HR strategies must be …