[PDF][PDF] Recommendations for end-user development
ABSTRACT End-user development (EUD), the practice of users creating, modifying, or
extending programs for personal use, is a valuable but often challenging task for …
extending programs for personal use, is a valuable but often challenging task for …
[PDF][PDF] Task Assistant: Personalized Task Management for Military Environments.
We describe an AI-enhanced task management tool developed for a military environment,
which differs from office environments in important ways: differing time scales, a focus on …
which differs from office environments in important ways: differing time scales, a focus on …
Learning by demonstration technology for military planning and decision making: A deployment story
K Myers, J Kolojejchick, C Angiolillo… - Proceedings of the …, 2011 - ojs.aaai.org
Learning by demonstration technology has long held the promise to empower non-
programmers to customize and extend software. We describe the deployment of a learning …
programmers to customize and extend software. We describe the deployment of a learning …
[PDF][PDF] Learning procedures by augmenting sequential pattern mining with planning knowledge
Procedure automation can relieve users of the burden of repetitive, time-consuming, or
complex procedures, and enable them to focus on more cognitively demanding tasks …
complex procedures, and enable them to focus on more cognitively demanding tasks …
[PDF][PDF] Data-driven training development: deriving performance constraints from operational examples
R Jensen, S Ramachandran… - … Conference, Orlando, FL, 2018 - stottlerhenke.com
Many modern operational performance environments produce significant data artifacts that
collectively constitute rich libraries of decision-making examples. For domains where expert …
collectively constitute rich libraries of decision-making examples. For domains where expert …
[PDF][PDF] Четвъртата индустриална революция и военното дело
С Стоянов, И Попчев, Т Радева - researchgate.net
Технологията винаги е влияла на военното дело и обратно–решаване на военни
задачи са катализирали развитието на различни технологии. Многобройни примери …
задачи са катализирали развитието на различни технологии. Многобройни примери …
Learning by Demonstration for a Collaborative Planning Environment
K Myers, J Kolojejchic, C Angiolillo, T Cummings… - AI Magazine, 2012 - ojs.aaai.org
Learning by demonstration technology has long held the promise to empower non-
programmers to customize and extend software. We describe the deployment of a learning …
programmers to customize and extend software. We describe the deployment of a learning …
Unified learning to enhance adaptive behavior of simulation objects
Modeling and simulation are methods of validating new systems that are risky to be directly
deployed in the real world. During the simulation, the simulation environment continuously …
deployed in the real world. During the simulation, the simulation environment continuously …
Discovering action idioms bridging the gap between system-level events and human-level actions
M Gervasio, TJ Lee - … on Visual Languages and Human Centric …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
As computing devices become more pervasive in our daily lives, effective communication
between the user and the system becomes increasingly important. The ability to describe …
between the user and the system becomes increasingly important. The ability to describe …
How to serve soup: interleaving demonstration and assisted editing to support nonprogrammers
The Adept Task Learning system is an end-user programming environment that combines
programming by demonstration and direct manipulation to support customization by …
programming by demonstration and direct manipulation to support customization by …