[PDF][PDF] Recommendations for end-user development

W Haines, M Gervasio, A Spaulding… - Proceedings of the ACM …, 2010 - Citeseer
ABSTRACT End-user development (EUD), the practice of users creating, modifying, or
extending programs for personal use, is a valuable but often challenging task for …

[PDF][PDF] Task Assistant: Personalized Task Management for Military Environments.

B Peintner, J Dinger, AC Rodriguez, KL Myers - IAAI, 2009 - cdn.aaai.org
We describe an AI-enhanced task management tool developed for a military environment,
which differs from office environments in important ways: differing time scales, a focus on …

Learning by demonstration technology for military planning and decision making: A deployment story

K Myers, J Kolojejchick, C Angiolillo… - Proceedings of the …, 2011 - ojs.aaai.org
Learning by demonstration technology has long held the promise to empower non-
programmers to customize and extend software. We describe the deployment of a learning …

[PDF][PDF] Learning procedures by augmenting sequential pattern mining with planning knowledge

M Gervasio, K Myers - Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on …, 2020 - cogsys.org
Procedure automation can relieve users of the burden of repetitive, time-consuming, or
complex procedures, and enable them to focus on more cognitively demanding tasks …

[PDF][PDF] Data-driven training development: deriving performance constraints from operational examples

R Jensen, S Ramachandran… - … Conference, Orlando, FL, 2018 - stottlerhenke.com
Many modern operational performance environments produce significant data artifacts that
collectively constitute rich libraries of decision-making examples. For domains where expert …

[PDF][PDF] Четвъртата индустриална революция и военното дело

С Стоянов, И Попчев, Т Радева - researchgate.net
Технологията винаги е влияла на военното дело и обратно–решаване на военни
задачи са катализирали развитието на различни технологии. Многобройни примери …

Learning by Demonstration for a Collaborative Planning Environment

K Myers, J Kolojejchic, C Angiolillo, T Cummings… - AI Magazine, 2012 - ojs.aaai.org
Learning by demonstration technology has long held the promise to empower non-
programmers to customize and extend software. We describe the deployment of a learning …

Unified learning to enhance adaptive behavior of simulation objects

HC Lee, SW Lee - Simulation, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Modeling and simulation are methods of validating new systems that are risky to be directly
deployed in the real world. During the simulation, the simulation environment continuously …

Discovering action idioms bridging the gap between system-level events and human-level actions

M Gervasio, TJ Lee - … on Visual Languages and Human Centric …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
As computing devices become more pervasive in our daily lives, effective communication
between the user and the system becomes increasingly important. The ability to describe …

How to serve soup: interleaving demonstration and assisted editing to support nonprogrammers

M Gervasio, W Haines, D Morley, TJ Lee… - Proceedings of the 16th …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
The Adept Task Learning system is an end-user programming environment that combines
programming by demonstration and direct manipulation to support customization by …