Sustainable community based tourism: impact, challenges and opportunities (the case of Huai Nam Guen Village, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand)

B Sitikarn - E3S web of conferences, 2021 -
This article provides a single-case research study of Huai Nam Guen village in Chiang Rai
province, Thailand. Through identifying the important facilitators and possible inhibitors to …

Buddhist Noble Eightfold Path approach in the study of consumer and organizational behaviors

CC Tan, PS Damnoen - วารสาร สันติ ศึกษา ปริทรรศน์ ม จร, 2020 -
This article underpins on a literature review ie of the Buddhist Canons of knowledge, that
traces the roots of the study of people's behaviours back to 2500-plus years old, and …

[PDF][PDF] An advanced strategic management text: A research-oriented approach

CC Tan - India: IMRF Publication House, 2018 -
This is a book about strategic management, which is based on the research works of the
author. The book has more than 1,000 cited references. The readers ie students, research …

Sustainable livelihood and revisit intention for tea tourism destinations: An application of theory of reasoned action

C Yoopetch, B Kongarchapatara - … of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2021 -
The current study aims to investigate the revisit intention of tea tourists, and its determinants,
including attitude, subjective norm, and tea tourism satisfaction. The sample included 409 …

[PDF][PDF] A better brew: COVID-19 and sustainable outcomes for coffee tourism in Ali Mountain, Taiwan

EK Opoku, SMJ Wang, KE Muñoz - Journal of Responsible Tourism …, 2021 -
COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the global economy in an unprecedented manner, which
includes the coffee industry. This paper seeks to provide insights as to how coffee farmers …

[PDF][PDF] Coffee-and-Tea based and Social Entrepreneurship-Oriented Community-based Tourism (CBT) in Northern Thailand: Contributing towards a Theory

CC Tan, B Sitikarn - International Multidisciplinary Research …, 2018 -
The contents of this research book are derived from the research works of the authors, with
the sources of information based on the authors' expertise and experiences as tourism and …

A Bibliometric Study's Preliminary Intellectual Scope on Celebrity Endorsement

CC Tan, YF Lu - Nimitmai Review Journal, 2023 -
E-commerce and traditional commerce have utilized celebrity endorsements to enhance the
promotion of their products and services and cultivate brand images that align with …

Assessing Social Entrepreneurship Criteria in Rural Tourism Development: A Case Study of Gilan Province, Iran

H Fallah Tafti, F Doozandehziabary, A Nabil - Social Studies in Tourism, 2023 -
In today's world, finding practical solutions to deal with rural developments is required for the
survival of the villages. On the other hand, many countries consider tourism as the economic …

[PDF][PDF] Balancing Production Chains, Bridging Challenges: The Potentials of Coffee Tourism in Sarawak, Malaysia

MS Wanga, KE Muñozb, L Tangc, V Leongd -
Coffee production in Sarawak has been facing numerous challenges, such as low
productivity, limited market access, lack of professional assistance, and poor production …

Doi Chaang: Balance Between Coffee, Forest and Community

K Kunta - NIDA Case Research Journal, 2020 -
Abstract Doi Chang Village is in Wawee, Chiang Rai, on the mountain peak, near the source
of a river and the home of hill tribes; Akkha, Lisu. In the past, swidden agriculture was …