Amniotic fluid embolism: an interdisciplinary challenge: epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment

WH Rath, S Hofer, I Sinicina - Deutsches Ärzteblatt …, 2014 -
Background Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is a life-threatening obstetric complication that
arises in 2 to 8 of every 100 000 deliveries. With a mortality of 11% to 44%, it is among the …

Amniotic fluid embolism: pathophysiology from the perspective of pathology

N Tamura, M Farhana, T Oda, H Itoh… - Journal of Obstetrics …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is recognized as a type of syndrome characterized by the
abrupt onset of hypoxia, hypotension, seizures, or disseminated intravascular coagulopathy …

From appearance to essence: 10 years review of atypical amniotic fluid embolism

F Shen, L Wang, W Yang, Y Chen - Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 2016 - Springer
Purpose Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is an unpredictable and unpreventable complication
of maternity. The presentation may range from relatively subtle clinical events to sudden …

Amniotic fluid embolism: despite progress, challenges remain

KJ Balinger, MTC Lam, HH Hon… - Current Opinion in …, 2015 -
Although AFE cannot be prevented, early diagnosis and intervention may lead to better
outcomes for both the mother and the fetus. Clinical suspicion, traditional laboratory data, or …

Amniotic fluid embolism: a narrative review

FJ Baxter - Journal of Obstetric Anaesthesia and Critical Care, 2023 -
Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is a rare but deadly complication of pregnancy. First
described in 1926, it remains a diagnosis of exclusion, without clear etiology or a specific …

[BOK][B] Geburtshilfliche Notfälle: vermeiden-erkennen-behandeln

S Hildebrandt, E Göbel - 2008 -
Geburtshilfliche Notfälle: vermeiden – erkennen - behandeln Intensivseminar für Hebammen
und geburtshilflich tätige Ärzte Page 1 Geburtshilfliche Notfälle: vermeiden – erkennen …

Amniotic fluid embolism: moving diagnosis through the time. From the mechanical pulmonary vascular occlusion until an immuno-inflammatory pathogenesis?

E Turillazzi, M Neri, S Bello, I Riezzo… - Current …, 2013 -
Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is a rare, catastrophic syndrome that presents during labor
and delivery or immediately postpartum. Efforts to develop a clinical diagnostic test are …

Anatomy and Pathology of the Placental Membranes

MC Cohen, I Scheimberg, JC Hutchinson - Benirschke's Pathology of the …, 2021 - Springer
The term “membranes” is usually taken to be synonymous with the amnion and the chorion
laeve. The membranes represent the “bag of waters” that encloses the fetus. The …

Maschinelle Autotransfusion in der Geburtshilfe–Hintergrund und praktische Umsetzung

MJ Kotlyar, V Neef, F Rumpf, P Meybohm… - Die …, 2024 - Springer
Die Inzidenz der postpartalen Hämorrhagie (PPH), als eine der führenden Ursachen für die
maternale Mortalität, hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten in westlichen Ländern zugenommen …

[PDF][PDF] Amniotic fluid embolism or anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy? A narrative update

SV Manica, R Botezatu, N Gica, A Ciobanu, A Veduta… - Romanian J Leg …, 2020 -
The term amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is dating from 1941, when a pathological
description, made 20 years before, received clinical significance and a name. It is a very rare …