[KNJIGA][B] Against the grain: A deep history of the earliest states
JC Scott - 2017 - books.google.com
An Economist Best History Book 2017 “History as it should be written.”—Barry Cunliffe,
Guardian “Scott hits the nail squarely on the head by exposing the staggering price our …
Guardian “Scott hits the nail squarely on the head by exposing the staggering price our …
The bow and arrow in South America
The bow and arrow is a crucial component of Homo sapiens' material culture. In South
America, data on the bow and arrow are widely scattered, which motived this …
America, data on the bow and arrow are widely scattered, which motived this …
Rethinking the evidence for early horse domestication at Botai
WTT Taylor, CI Barrón-Ortiz - Scientific Reports, 2021 - nature.com
Despite its transformative impact on human history, the early domestication of the horse
(Equus caballus) remains exceedingly difficult to trace in the archaeological record. In recent …
(Equus caballus) remains exceedingly difficult to trace in the archaeological record. In recent …
[KNJIGA][B] Homo domesticus: une histoire profonde des premiers États
JC Scott, JP Demoule, M Saint-Upéry - 2021 - books.google.com
Aucun ouvrage n'avait jusqu'à présent réussi à restituer toute la profondeur et l'extension
universelle des dynamiques indissociablement écologiques et anthropologiques qui se sont …
universelle des dynamiques indissociablement écologiques et anthropologiques qui se sont …
Selection and adaptation in human migration
AV Bell - Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
This article reviews the ways migration shapes human biology. This includes the
physiological and genetic, but also socio‐cultural aspects such as organization, behavior …
physiological and genetic, but also socio‐cultural aspects such as organization, behavior …
Early pastoral economies and herding transitions in Eastern Eurasia
WTT Taylor, J Clark, J Bayarsaikhan, T Tuvshinjargal… - Scientific reports, 2020 - nature.com
While classic models for the emergence of pastoral groups in Inner Asia describe mounted,
horse-borne herders swee** across the Eurasian Steppes during the Early or Middle …
horse-borne herders swee** across the Eurasian Steppes during the Early or Middle …
Indigenous–wildlife conflict and coexistence in the Altiplano
Understanding the drivers of conflict and coexistence in human–wildlife relations are critical
to conservation. This study sought to understand th varying attitudes of local indigenous …
to conservation. This study sought to understand th varying attitudes of local indigenous …
Riding, ruling, and resistance: Equestrianism and political authority in the Hungarian Bronze Age
K Kanne - Current Anthropology, 2022 - journals.uchicago.edu
Horses have had a singular impact on human societies. Beyond increasing interconnectivity
and revolutionizing warfare, reconfigurations of human-horse relationships coincide with …
and revolutionizing warfare, reconfigurations of human-horse relationships coincide with …
A Bayesian chronology for early domestic horse use in the Eastern Steppe
WTT Taylor, B Jargalan, KB Lowry, J Clark… - Journal of …, 2017 - Elsevier
Archaeological horse remains from Mongolia's late Bronze Age Deer Stone-Khirigsuur
(DSK) culture present some of the oldest direct radiocarbon dates for horses in northeast …
(DSK) culture present some of the oldest direct radiocarbon dates for horses in northeast …
Interdisciplinary evidence for early domestic horse exploitation in southern Patagonia
The introduction of domestic horses transformed Indigenous societies across the grasslands
of Argentina, leading to the emergence of specialized horse cultures across the Southern …
of Argentina, leading to the emergence of specialized horse cultures across the Southern …