Mathematical model of a part of an opened extra-high voltage electrical grid
In the paper, based on interdisciplinary approaches to modeling, a mathematical model of a
part of an opened extra-high voltage electrical grid, which key elements are two long power …
part of an opened extra-high voltage electrical grid, which key elements are two long power …
Interdisciplinary modelling of transient processes in local electric power systems including long supply lines of distributed parameters
C Andriy, L Marek, S Andrzej… - 2018 Applications of …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Based on interdisciplinary approaches to modelling that use a modified Hamilton-
Ostrogradsky principle, a mathematical model of an electric power system including a supply …
Ostrogradsky principle, a mathematical model of an electric power system including a supply …
[PDF][PDF] Mathematical model of asynchronous pump drive with distributed mechanical parameters
The paper presents a mathematical model of a complex electromechanical system. The
electromechanical system features a deep-groove asynchronous motor, which drives a …
electromechanical system features a deep-groove asynchronous motor, which drives a …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of transient processes in a power supply system of concentrated and distributed parameters based on variational approaches
Starting with variational approaches using a modified Hamilton-Ostrogradsky principle, a
mathematical model of a power system is developed and analysed as a concentrated …
mathematical model of a power system is developed and analysed as a concentrated …
Model matematyczny synchronicznego układu pompowego o podatnej transmisji ruchu
M Lis, A Szafraniec - Maszyny Elektryczne: zeszyty problemowe, 2018 - yadda.icm.edu.pl
W pracy, wychodząc z interdyscyplinarnych podejść, opracowano model matematyczny
układu pompowego dużej mocy, składającego się z silnika synchronicznego o biegunach …
układu pompowego dużej mocy, składającego się z silnika synchronicznego o biegunach …
Mathematical model of a drive system with synchronous motors and vertical pumps
A Szafraniec - E3S Web of Conferences, 2019 - e3s-conferences.org
The paper presents a mathematical model of an electrical load node consisting of a power
transformer and synchronous motors which rotate vertical pumps using non-rigid …
transformer and synchronous motors which rotate vertical pumps using non-rigid …
Modeling and research of methods for speed and torque control of DC motors.
English The analysis ways of speed control and torque of the collectorless electric motor is
executed. A mathematical model by SAC with an operational amplifier in the SCILAB/XCOS …
executed. A mathematical model by SAC with an operational amplifier in the SCILAB/XCOS …
Electromechanical oscillatory processes analysis in high voltage switch in power grid
C Andriy, S Andrzej, L Vitaliy - 2018 Applications of …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The article presents a mathematical model of electric energy transmission. This model
consists of two groups of transformers working in parallel, connected by a power line. High …
consists of two groups of transformers working in parallel, connected by a power line. High …
[PDF][PDF] Dam** of vibration in an electric drive system with a long elastic coupling
A Popenda - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2020 - pe.org.pl
In the paper the uncomplicated structure of the active limiter of current reference for a BLDC
motor control system is proposed. The limiter allows for uninterruptible operation of a speed …
motor control system is proposed. The limiter allows for uninterruptible operation of a speed …
[PDF][PDF] Analiza procesów nieustalonych w układzie napędowym z pompami pionowymi o podatnej transmisji ruchu
M Lis, A Szafraniec - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2019 - pe.org.pl
Na podstawie opracowanego modelu matematycznego dokonano analizy procesów
przejściowych w układzie napędowym składającym się z transformatora mocy …
przejściowych w układzie napędowym składającym się z transformatora mocy …