[HTML][HTML] Adopting the margin of stability for space–time landslide prediction–A data-driven approach for generating spatial dynamic thresholds
Shallow landslide initiation typically results from an interplay of dynamic triggering and
preparatory conditions along with static predisposition factors. While data-driven methods for …
preparatory conditions along with static predisposition factors. While data-driven methods for …
Deciphering seasonal effects of triggering and preparatory precipitation for improved shallow landslide prediction using generalized additive mixed models
The increasing availability of long-term observational data can lead to the development of
innovative modelling approaches to determine landslide triggering conditions at regional …
innovative modelling approaches to determine landslide triggering conditions at regional …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing the impact of climate change on landslides near Vejle, Denmark, using public data
The possibility of increased landslide activity as a result of climate change has often been
suggested, but few studies quantify this connection. Here, we present and utilize a workflow …
suggested, but few studies quantify this connection. Here, we present and utilize a workflow …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluating historical, basin-wide landslide activity in a context of land abandonment and climate change: Effects of landslide visibility and temporal resolution
Drainage basins of the Northern Apennines, particularly in the clayey settings, bear among
the highest rates of landsliding worldwide. A history of major land cover changes has left a …
the highest rates of landsliding worldwide. A history of major land cover changes has left a …
Evidence of Seattle Fault earthquakes from patterns in deep‐seated landslides
Earthquake‐induced landslides can record information about the seismic shaking that
generated them. In this study, we present new map**, Light Detection and Ranging …
generated them. In this study, we present new map**, Light Detection and Ranging …
[HTML][HTML] Deformation behavior and reactivation mechanism of the Dandu ancient landslide triggered by seasonal rainfall: A case study from the East Tibetan Plateau …
S Ren, Y Zhang, J Li, Z Zhou, X Liu, C Tao - Remote Sensing, 2023 - mdpi.com
In recent years, numerous ancient landslides initially triggered by historic earthquakes on
the eastern Tibetan Plateau have been reactivated by fault activity and heavy rainfall …
the eastern Tibetan Plateau have been reactivated by fault activity and heavy rainfall …
Curated Pacific Northwest AI-ready seismic dataset
The curation of seismic data sets is the cornerstone of seismological research and the
starting point of machine-learning applications in seismology. We present a 21-year-long AI …
starting point of machine-learning applications in seismology. We present a 21-year-long AI …
Spatial joint hazard assessment of landslide susceptibility and intensity within a single framework: Environmental insights from the Wenchuan earthquake
To comprehensively assess regional landslide hazards, we propose a geospatial approach
that jointly evaluates both the probability of occurrence (susceptibility) and potential …
that jointly evaluates both the probability of occurrence (susceptibility) and potential …
Do post-failure landslides become stable?
H Qiu, Y Li, Y Zhu, B Ye, D Yang, Y Liu, Y Wei - Catena, 2025 - Elsevier
Deformation law and development trend of post-failure landslides are important in stability
assessments in landslide prone areas. However, research on post-failure landslide behavior …
assessments in landslide prone areas. However, research on post-failure landslide behavior …
Invited perspectives: Integrating hydrologic information into the next generation of landslide early warning systems
Although rainfall-triggered landslides are initiated by subsurface hydro-mechanical
processes related to the loading, weakening, and eventual failure of slope materials, most …
processes related to the loading, weakening, and eventual failure of slope materials, most …