Longitudinal vibration of size-dependent rods via nonlocal strain gradient theory

L Li, Y Hu, X Li - International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016 - Elsevier
The longitudinal vibration analysis of small-scaled rods is studied in the framework of the
nonlocal strain gradient theory. The equations of motion and boundary conditions for the …

Forced torsional vibration of nanobeam via nonlocal strain gradient theory and surface energy effects under moving harmonic torque

BA Hamidi, SA Hosseini, H Hayati - Waves in Random and …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The forced torsional vibration of a nanobeam by using the nonlocal strain gradient theory
and incorporating the surface effects is investigated in the current work. The aim of this …

Extension of Hencky bar-net model for vibration analysis of rectangular plates with rectangular cutouts

YP Zhang, CM Wang, DM Pedroso, H Zhang - Journal of Sound and …, 2018 - Elsevier
Comprising rigid bars and spring systems at the joints and in the cells, the Hencky bar-net
model (HBM) has been shown to be a physical structural representation of the finite …

Improved finite element model for lateral stability analysis of axially functionally graded nonprismatic I-beams

M Soltani, B Asgarian, F Mohri - International Journal of Structural …, 2019 - World Scientific
This paper investigates the lateral buckling of simply supported nonprismatic I-beams with
axially varying materials by a novel finite element formulation. The material properties of the …

Buckling and vibration of Hencky bar-chain with internal elastic springs

H Zhang, CM Wang, N Challamel - International Journal of Mechanical …, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper presents the Hencky bar-chain model (HBM) that allows for the presence of
internal elastic springs. With the development of this general HBM, one can analyse beam …

Hencky bar-net model for plate buckling

CM Wang, YP Zhang, DM Pedroso - Engineering Structures, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper presents the Hencky bar-net model (HBM) for elastic buckling analysis of
rectangular plates with any combination of edge conditions. HBM comprises a grid (or net) of …

Buckling analysis of non-prismatic columns: A rigid multibody approach

A Nikolić, S Šalinić - Engineering Structures, 2017 - Elsevier
A new approach to the buckling analysis of non-prismatic columns is proposed. The method
of rigid elements is used for this purpose. The general form of the characteristic equation is …

Nonlinear nano-rod-type analysis of internal resonances and geometrically considering nonlocal and inertial effects in terms of Rayleigh axial vibrations

SJ Shakhlavi, S Hosseini-Hashemi… - The European Physical …, 2022 - Springer
In the present study, a comprehensive modeling of the geometrically nonlinear free axial
vibration of nanorod in presence of nonlocal and inertial of lateral motions effects is …

Comparison of nano-plate bending behaviour by Eringen nonlocal plate, Hencky bar-net and continualised nonlocal plate models

YP Zhang, N Challamel, CM Wang, H Zhang - Acta Mechanica, 2019 - Springer
This paper is concerned with the bending behaviour of small-scale simply supported plates
as predicted by using the Eringen nonlocal plate model (ENM), the Hencky bar-net model …

Hencky bar-net model for vibration of rectangular plates with mixed boundary conditions and point supports

H Zhang, YP Zhang, CM Wang - International Journal of Structural …, 2018 - World Scientific
This paper is concerned with the development of the Hencky bar-net model (HBM) for free
vibration analyses of rectangular plates with mixed boundary conditions and point supports …