Glycointeractions in bacterial pathogenesis
Many important interactions between bacterial pathogens and their hosts are highly specific
binding events that involve host or pathogen carbohydrate structures (glycans). Glycan …
binding events that involve host or pathogen carbohydrate structures (glycans). Glycan …
Polyvalent interactions in biological systems: implications for design and use of multivalent ligands and inhibitors
Found throughout biology, polyvalent interactions are characterized by the simultaneous
binding of multiple ligands on one biological entity to multiple receptors on another (top part …
binding of multiple ligands on one biological entity to multiple receptors on another (top part …
S-layers: principles and applications
UB Sleytr, B Schuster, EM Egelseer… - FEMS microbiology …, 2014 -
Monomolecular arrays of protein or glycoprotein subunits forming surface layers (S-layers)
are one of the most commonly observed prokaryotic cell envelope components. S-layers are …
are one of the most commonly observed prokaryotic cell envelope components. S-layers are …
Type IV pilin proteins: versatile molecular modules
SUMMARY Type IV pili (T4P) are multifunctional protein fibers produced on the surfaces of a
wide variety of bacteria and archaea. The major subunit of T4P is the type IV pilin, and …
wide variety of bacteria and archaea. The major subunit of T4P is the type IV pilin, and …
Protein glycosylation: nature, distribution, enzymatic formation, and disease implications of glycopeptide bonds
RG Spiro - Glycobiology, 2002 -
Formation of the sugar–amino acid linkage is a crucial event in the biosynthesis of the
carbohydrate units of glycoproteins. It sets into motion a complex series of posttranslational …
carbohydrate units of glycoproteins. It sets into motion a complex series of posttranslational …
The archaeal cell envelope
At first glance, archaea and bacteria look alike; however, the composition of the archaeal
cell envelope is fundamentally different from the bacterial cell envelope. With just one …
cell envelope is fundamentally different from the bacterial cell envelope. With just one …
Type IV pili and twitching motility
JS Mattick - Annual Reviews in Microbiology, 2002 -
▪ Abstract Twitching motility is a flagella-independent form of bacterial translocation over
moist surfaces. It occurs by the extension, tethering, and then retraction of polar type IV pili …
moist surfaces. It occurs by the extension, tethering, and then retraction of polar type IV pili …
A systematic approach to protein glycosylation analysis: a path through the maze
K Marino, J Bones, JJ Kattla, PM Rudd - Nature chemical biology, 2010 -
Protein glycosylation is an important post-translational modification. It is a feature that
enhances the functional diversity of proteins and influences their biological activity. A wide …
enhances the functional diversity of proteins and influences their biological activity. A wide …
Concepts and principles of O-linked glycosylation
PV Steen, PM Rudd, RA Dwek… - Critical reviews in …, 1998 - Taylor & Francis
The biosynthesis, structures, and functions of O-glycosylation, as a complex
posttranslational event, is reviewed and compared for the various types of O-glycans. Mucin …
posttranslational event, is reviewed and compared for the various types of O-glycans. Mucin …
N-Linked Glycosylation in Campylobacter jejuni and Its Functional Transfer into E. coli
N-linked protein glycosylation is the most abundant posttranslation modification of secretory
proteins in eukaryotes. A wide range of functions are attributed to glycan structures …
proteins in eukaryotes. A wide range of functions are attributed to glycan structures …