[PDF][PDF] Salinity tolerance selection of doubled-haploid rice lines based on selection index and factor analysis.

MF Anshori, BS Purwoko, IS Dewi… - AIMS Agriculture & …, 2022 - aimspress.com
Salinity tolerance selection of doubled-haploid rice lines based on selection index and factor
analysis Page 1 AIMS Agriculture and Food, 7(3): 520–535. DOI: 10.3934/agrfood.2022032 …

[HTML][HTML] A new approach to select doubled haploid rice lines under salinity stress using indirect selection index

MF Anshori, BS Purwoko, IS Dewi, SW Ardie… - Rice Science, 2021 - Elsevier
This study determined the indirect selection index of doubled haploid (DH) rice using a
multivariate analysis approach to select lines adaptive to salinity stress, comprising three …

[HTML][HTML] Alleviation of salinity stress effects on agro-physiological traits of wheat by auxin, glycine betaine, and soil additives

RA Khedr, SGR Sorour, SH Aboukhadrah… - Saudi Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
Soil salinity is a major constraint to wheat production; it causes a severe reduction in wheat
growth and yield. Alleviation of salinity effects on physiological, biochemical, and yield of …

Multivariate analysis to determine secondary characters in selecting adaptive hybrid corn lines under drought stress

NUR Fadhli, MUH Farid, ROY Effendi, M AZRAI… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2020 - smujo.id
Fadhli N, Farid M, Rafiuddin, Efendi R, Azrai M, Anshori MF. 2020. Multivariate analysis to
determine secondary characters in selecting adaptive hybrid corn lines under drought …

Interaction of rice salinity screening in germination and seedling phase through selection index based on principal components

M Farid, MF Anshori, Y Musa, H Iswoyo… - Chilean journal of …, 2021 - SciELO Chile
Salinity stress can reduce rice (Oryza sativa L.) productivity and cause crop failure. This
problem needs a solution by development of tolerant varieties, and this development closely …

Modifications of water status, growth rate and antioxidant system in two wheat cultivars as affected by salinity stress and salicylic acid

N Loutfy, Y Sakuma, DK Gupta, M Inouhe - Journal of plant research, 2020 - Springer
Salicylic acid (SA) has an important role in drought-tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
but its relevance to the salinity-tolerance is not well understood. In the present study …

Evaluation of some Egyptian bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars under salinity stress

MA Gadallah, SI Milad, YM Mabrook… - Alexandria Science …, 2017 - journals.ekb.eg
The aim of this study was to determine salinity stress tolerance of sixteen Egyptian local
wheat cultivars, using three salinity levels. These cultivars were grown in pots under …

Drought-adapted maize line based on morphophysiological selection index

R Padjung, M Farid, Y Musa… - B IOD IVERSITAS …, 2021 - repository.unhas.ac.id
Padjung R, Farid M, Musa Y, Anshori MF, Nur A, Masnenong A. 2021. Drought-adapted
maize line based on morphophysiological selection index. Biodiversitas 22: 4028-4035 …

[PDF][PDF] Yield of wheat is increased through improving the chemical properties, nutrient availability and water productivity of salt affected soils in the North Delta of Egypt.

S Sorour, MA Aiad, AA Ahmed… - Applied Ecology & …, 2019 - researchgate.net
The lysimeter experiment was carried out twice in consecutive two years (2014-15 and 2015-
16) at Sakha Agricultural Research Station, Kafrelsheikh, Egypt to study the effect of three …

[HTML][HTML] Integrating agro-morpho-physiological traits and ssr markers for detecting the salt tolerance of advanced spring wheat lines under field conditions

MB Junaid, S El-Hendawy, I Al-Ashkar, N Al-Suhaibani… - Agriculture, 2023 - mdpi.com
To successfully enhance the salt tolerance of genotypes, it is crucial to conduct field-based
trials, establish effective screening criteria and analysis tools, evaluate salt tolerance at …