[HTML][HTML] A review on the gun barrel vibrations and control for a main battle tank

T Dursun, F Büyükcivelek, Ç Utlu - Defence technology, 2017 - Elsevier
Achieving high hitting accuracy for a main battle tank is challenging while the tank is on the
move. This can be reached by proper design of a weapon control and gun system. In order …

Modelling and analysis of vehicle-structure-road coupled interaction considering structural flexibility, vehicle parameters and road roughness

MA Koç, İ Esen - Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2017 - Springer
To determine the dynamic forces acting on vehicle components a vehicle-structure-road
interaction is considered. Coupled interaction was modelled using a flexible bridge-like thin …

Dynamic analysis of gun barrel vibrations due to effect of an unbalanced projectile considering 2-D transverse displacements of barrel tip using a 3-D element …

MA Koc, I Esen, Y Cay - Latin American Journal of Solids and …, 2018 - SciELO Brasil
In this paper, dynamic analysis of two different weapon systems (35 mm Anti-Aircraft Barrel
(AAB) and 120 mm Grooved Tank Barrel (GTB)) under the effect of statically unbalanced …

Dynamic behaviour of functionally graded Timoshenko beams on a four parameter linear elastic foundation due to a high speed travelling mass with variable …

İ Esen, MA Koç, M Eroğlu - Journal of Smart Systems Research, 2021 - dergipark.org.tr
This study presents a four-parameter linear basis model to analyse and control the dynamic
response of an FGM Timoshenko beam exposed to the accelerating/decelerating mass …

[PDF][PDF] Dynamic analysis of flexible structures under the influence of moving multiple vehicles

MA KOÇ, İ ESEN, M EROĞLU, Y ÇAY, Ö ÇERLEK - a+ a, 2018 - academia.edu
In this study, the parameters affecting the dynamic behavior of flexible structures under the
influence of multiple vehicle passages are examined in detail. The flexible structure …

Combined experimental/finite element investigation of transverse barrel movement

D Leonhardt, M Garnich - Journal of …, 2022 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Transverse barrel movement was measured during the firing of a Ruger Precision Rifle
chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor. The use of laser vibrometers enabled high-speed …

Optimization Of The Usage Of 35 MM Anti-Aircraft Gun Barrels In Terms Of Reliability And Economic Efficiency

W Furmanek, G Leśnik, R Woźniak - Issues of Armament Technology, 2023 - ptu-biuletyn.pl
The scientific basis for optimizing the use of work resources of 35 mm anti-aircraft gun
barrels, enabling their durability to be increased by 25÷ 100% while improving operational …

Optymalizacja użycia zasobu pracy luf armat przeciwlotniczych kalibru 35 mm w aspekcie efektywności niezawodnościowej i ekonomicznej

W Furmanek, G Leśnik, R Woźniak - Problemy Techniki …, 2023 - yadda.icm.edu.pl
W artykule sformułowano podstawy naukowe optymalizacji użycia zasobu pracy luf armat
przeciwlotniczych kalibru 35 mm, umożliwiające zwiększanie ich trwałości o 25÷ 100% przy …

Investigation of the mechanical and strength properties of the mortar barrel made of different composite materials

H Pihtili, M Ulutas - Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2022 - Springer
This study was conducted on mortar barrels, manufactured from different composite
materials to replace the 120-mm mortar barrel, which is currently used in the defense …

[PDF][PDF] Numerical analysis of dynamical contact forces due to interaction of moving vehicles and flexible structures

A KESERCİOĞLU - … on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and …, 2017 - isites.info
In this study, the dynamic forces between the vehicle moving at a constant speed and the
bridge considered as flexible structure have been analyzed in terms of many parameters …