[HTML][HTML] Sex chromosome specialization and degeneration in mammals

JAM Graves - Cell, 2006‏ - cell.com
Sex chromosomes—particularly the human Y—have been a source of fascination for
decades because of their unique transmission patterns and their peculiar cytology. The …

Evolution of vertebrate sex chromosomes and dosage compensation

JAM Graves - Nature Reviews Genetics, 2016‏ - nature.com
Differentiated sex chromosomes in mammals and other vertebrates evolved independently
but in strikingly similar ways. Vertebrates with differentiated sex chromosomes share the …

Lipocalin 2 mediates an innate immune response to bacterial infection by sequestrating iron

TH Flo, KD Smith, S Sato, DJ Rodriguez, MA Holmes… - Nature, 2004‏ - nature.com
Although iron is required to sustain life, its free concentration and metabolism have to be
tightly regulated. This is achieved through a variety of iron-binding proteins including …

The avian Z-linked gene DMRT1 is required for male sex determination in the chicken

CA Smith, KN Roeszler, T Ohnesorg, DM Cummins… - Nature, 2009‏ - nature.com
Sex in birds is chromosomally based, as in mammals, but the sex chromosomes are different
and the mechanism of avian sex determination has been a long-standing mystery,,. In the …

Primary sex determination in birds depends on DMRT1 dosage, but gonadal sex does not determine adult secondary sex characteristics

J Ioannidis, G Taylor, D Zhao, L Liu… - Proceedings of the …, 2021‏ - pnas.org
In birds, males are the homogametic sex (ZZ) and females the heterogametic sex (ZW).
Primary sex determination is thought to depend on a sex chromosome gene dosage …

Genome editing reveals dmrt1 as an essential male sex-determining gene in Chinese tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis)

Z Cui, Y Liu, W Wang, Q Wang, N Zhang, F Lin… - Scientific reports, 2017‏ - nature.com
Chinese tongue sole is a marine fish with ZW sex determination. Genome sequencing
suggested that the Z-linked dmrt1 is a putative male determination gene, but direct genetic …

A duplicated copy of DMRT1 in the sex-determining region of the Y chromosome of the medaka, Oryzias latipes

I Nanda, M Kondo, U Hornung, S Asakawa… - Proceedings of the …, 2002‏ - pnas.org
The genes that determine the development of the male or female sex are known in
Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila, and most mammals. In many other organisms the …

Dmrt1, a gene related to worm and fly sexual regulators, is required for mammalian testis differentiation

CS Raymond, MW Murphy, MG O'Sullivan… - Genes & …, 2000‏ - genesdev.cshlp.org
The only molecular similarity in sex determination found so far among phyla is between the
Drosophila doublesex (dsx) and Caenorhabditis elegans mab-3 genes. dsx and mab-3 …

Zebrafish comparative genomics and the origins of vertebrate chromosomes

JH Postlethwait, IG Woods, P Ngo-Hazelett… - Genome …, 2000‏ - genome.cshlp.org
To help understand mechanisms of vertebrate genome evolution, we have compared
zebrafish and tetrapod gene maps. It has been suggested that translocations are fixed more …

A W-linked DM-domain gene, DM-W, participates in primary ovary development in Xenopus laevis

S Yoshimoto, E Okada, H Umemoto, K Tamura… - Proceedings of the …, 2008‏ - pnas.org
In the XX/XY sex-determining system, the Y-linked SRY genes of most mammals and the
DMY/Dmrt1bY genes of the teleost fish medaka have been characterized as sex …