A forest ecosystem services evaluation at the river basin scale: Supply and demand between coastal areas and upstream lands (Italy)
E Morri, F Pruscini, R Scolozzi, R Santolini - Ecological indicators, 2014 - Elsevier
Many coastal communities benefit from a lively and profitable economy based on tourism
but, simultaneously, cannot rely on the ecosystem services (ESs) provided locally, which …
but, simultaneously, cannot rely on the ecosystem services (ESs) provided locally, which …
Natura 2000 and the Pan-European Ecological Network: a new methodology for data integration
E Biondi, S Casavecchia, S Pesaresi… - Biodiversity and …, 2012 - Springer
The aim of this study is to define a methodological framework that allows the Natura 2000
network to be integrated with the Pan-European Ecological Network (PEEN). The proposed …
network to be integrated with the Pan-European Ecological Network (PEEN). The proposed …
[PDF][PDF] The phytosociological and syndynamical map** for the identification of High Nature Value Farmland
D Galdenzi, S Pesaresi, S Casavecchia… - Plant …, 2012 - scienzadellavegetazione.it
Rural activities have led to profound changes over the centuries of natural environment in
Italy as in the rest of Europe by hel** to define landscape mosaics in some cases very rich …
Italy as in the rest of Europe by hel** to define landscape mosaics in some cases very rich …
Floristic composition and spatial distribution assessment of montane mesophilous grasslands in the central Apennines, Italy: A multi-scale and diachronic approach
A Catorci, R Gatti - Plant Biosystems, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Evaluation of past land use offers valuable information in seeking to understand the
distribution patterns of plant communities, insofar as such activity may have altered soil …
distribution patterns of plant communities, insofar as such activity may have altered soil …
Breeding habitat of red-backed shrike Lanius collurio on farmland hilly areas of Central Italy: is functional heterogeneity one important key?
This paper examines the relationships between breeding site selection of red-backed
shrikes Lanius collurio and land-use features using GIS. We examine the habitat preference …
shrikes Lanius collurio and land-use features using GIS. We examine the habitat preference …
[PDF][PDF] The third report on the conservation status of habitats (Directive 92/43/EEC) in Italy: processes, methodologies, results and comments
L Zivkovic, E Biondi, S Pesaresi, C Lasen… - Plant Sociol, 2017 - iris.unirc.it
We present the third report (2007-2012) on the conservation status of habitats in Italy, made
according to Art. ex 17 of Directive 92/43/EEC. We describe, analyze and comment the data …
according to Art. ex 17 of Directive 92/43/EEC. We describe, analyze and comment the data …
[PDF][PDF] Variations in CSR strategies along stress gradients in the herb layer of submediterranean forests (central Italy)
Material and methods–We collected floristic (species cover in the herb layer) and
environmental data about topography, soil and light conditions in 48 sampling plots in a …
environmental data about topography, soil and light conditions in 48 sampling plots in a …
[PDF][PDF] Il Progetto di “Rete Ecologica della Regione Marche”(REM): per il monitoraggio e la gestione dei siti Natura 2000 e l'organizzazione in rete delle aree di …
E Biondi, A Catorci, M Pandolfi… - …, 2007 - scienzadellavegetazione.it
Viene presentato il progetto di Rete Ecologica Marchigiana (REM), per la conservazione
della Biodiversità del territorio regionale. Della rete fanno attualmente parte n. 80 SIC e n …
della Biodiversità del territorio regionale. Della rete fanno attualmente parte n. 80 SIC e n …
Trait variations along a regenerative chronosequence in the herb layer of submediterranean forests
The aim of this paper is to assess the functional shifts of the herb layer in the
submediterranean Ostrya carpinifolia coppiced forests (central Italy) along a coppicing …
submediterranean Ostrya carpinifolia coppiced forests (central Italy) along a coppicing …
[PDF][PDF] Importance of road proximity for the nest site selection of the Red-backed shrike Lanius collurio in an agricultural environment in Central Italy
F Morelli - Journal of Mediterranean Ecology, 2011 - academia.edu
The effect of road proximity on the breeding habits of the Red-backed Shrike (Lanius
collurio) was investigated in a farmland landscape of the Marche Region (Central Italy) …
collurio) was investigated in a farmland landscape of the Marche Region (Central Italy) …