A forest ecosystem services evaluation at the river basin scale: Supply and demand between coastal areas and upstream lands (Italy)

E Morri, F Pruscini, R Scolozzi, R Santolini - Ecological indicators, 2014 - Elsevier
Many coastal communities benefit from a lively and profitable economy based on tourism
but, simultaneously, cannot rely on the ecosystem services (ESs) provided locally, which …

Natura 2000 and the Pan-European Ecological Network: a new methodology for data integration

E Biondi, S Casavecchia, S Pesaresi… - Biodiversity and …, 2012 - Springer
The aim of this study is to define a methodological framework that allows the Natura 2000
network to be integrated with the Pan-European Ecological Network (PEEN). The proposed …

[PDF][PDF] The phytosociological and syndynamical map** for the identification of High Nature Value Farmland

D Galdenzi, S Pesaresi, S Casavecchia… - Plant …, 2012 - scienzadellavegetazione.it
Rural activities have led to profound changes over the centuries of natural environment in
Italy as in the rest of Europe by hel** to define landscape mosaics in some cases very rich …

Floristic composition and spatial distribution assessment of montane mesophilous grasslands in the central Apennines, Italy: A multi-scale and diachronic approach

A Catorci, R Gatti - Plant Biosystems, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Evaluation of past land use offers valuable information in seeking to understand the
distribution patterns of plant communities, insofar as such activity may have altered soil …

Breeding habitat of red-backed shrike Lanius collurio on farmland hilly areas of Central Italy: is functional heterogeneity one important key?

F Morelli, R Santolini, D Sisti - Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
This paper examines the relationships between breeding site selection of red-backed
shrikes Lanius collurio and land-use features using GIS. We examine the habitat preference …

[PDF][PDF] The third report on the conservation status of habitats (Directive 92/43/EEC) in Italy: processes, methodologies, results and comments

L Zivkovic, E Biondi, S Pesaresi, C Lasen… - Plant Sociol, 2017 - iris.unirc.it
We present the third report (2007-2012) on the conservation status of habitats in Italy, made
according to Art. ex 17 of Directive 92/43/EEC. We describe, analyze and comment the data …

[PDF][PDF] Variations in CSR strategies along stress gradients in the herb layer of submediterranean forests (central Italy)

A Catorci, A Vitanzi, FM Tardella - Plant Ecology and Evolution, 2011 - researchgate.net
Material and methods–We collected floristic (species cover in the herb layer) and
environmental data about topography, soil and light conditions in 48 sampling plots in a …

[PDF][PDF] Il Progetto di “Rete Ecologica della Regione Marche”(REM): per il monitoraggio e la gestione dei siti Natura 2000 e l'organizzazione in rete delle aree di …

E Biondi, A Catorci, M Pandolfi… - …, 2007 - scienzadellavegetazione.it
Viene presentato il progetto di Rete Ecologica Marchigiana (REM), per la conservazione
della Biodiversità del territorio regionale. Della rete fanno attualmente parte n. 80 SIC e n …

Trait variations along a regenerative chronosequence in the herb layer of submediterranean forests

A Catorci, A Vitanzi, FM Tardella, V Hršak - Acta Oecologica, 2012 - Elsevier
The aim of this paper is to assess the functional shifts of the herb layer in the
submediterranean Ostrya carpinifolia coppiced forests (central Italy) along a coppicing …

[PDF][PDF] Importance of road proximity for the nest site selection of the Red-backed shrike Lanius collurio in an agricultural environment in Central Italy

F Morelli - Journal of Mediterranean Ecology, 2011 - academia.edu
The effect of road proximity on the breeding habits of the Red-backed Shrike (Lanius
collurio) was investigated in a farmland landscape of the Marche Region (Central Italy) …